You're always welcome home to me

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Oliver's: POV

I was sitting on the plane and a tear were rolling down my cheek. I called my godmother and my voice cracked. Marie remind me so much of my mom. She's so kind and down to earth.

"I hate William so much. I'm sick and tired of being used and abused." I said. "Oh my dear boy." replied Marie. "I'm on my way to Denmark now and I'll stay there for a few days." I said. "I pick you up at the airport." she replied. "Thank you." I said. "No problem sweetie." she replied. "See you later then." I said. "I can't wait to see you again, Emma miss you so much." she replied. "I miss her too." I said. "Bye Oliver." replied Marie. "Bye." I said and hung up. The plane lifted and I looked out from the window. I sent away a text to Adam.

To Adam:  I'll stay in Denmark for a few days

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To Adam: 
I'll stay in Denmark for a few days. I need to get away from Edinburgh for a while. I'm going to live with my godmother. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Love from Oliver.


A few hours later I was in Copenhagen. Marie met me. Her daughter Emma ran up to me and I picked her up. She smiled happily. "Oliver." said Emma and hugged me. "Hey honey." I replied with a happy smile on my face.


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"Hey Oliver." said Marie. Her dog Lily barked happily and wagged her tail. "Hey Marie." I replied and gave her a hug. I patted Lily and she licked me in the face.


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"Thank you for letting me stay with you." I said. "You're always welcome home to me, you know that." replied Marie. "I know." I said and she smiled.

I love Marie

I hope you liked the chapter


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