I have to report a crime

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Katerina's: POV

I couldn't find Luna the next morning. Vanessa, Esme and Cam helped me looking for her. We called her name but got no answer.

"I have a feeling she's in the forest." said Vanessa. "Let's go." I replied and we ran off. We came to the forest and called her name again. "Look." I said and pointed to a rock. "Is that blood?" asked Cam. "I think so." I said. "We have to find her." he replied. We heard a growl and ran to a glade. We met a horrible sight there. Luna was sitting on the ground and tore off pieces of meat as a predator. She was covered up in blood.

Beside her lay a dead woman and her throat was cut open. Neither I nor Nessie could say anything. I picked up our little sister and wiped away the blood. "Luna, what has happened to you?" I asked worried. "Someone injected me with vampire venom." she said. "That's horrible." replied Esme. "I'm so sorry honey." I said. "I don't want to be a vampire." she sobbed. "We'll find a cure, don't worry." said Cameron. "Thank you." replied Luna. "No problem, sweetie." he said with a smile on her face.


Vlad's: POV

I was at the vampire council meeting with my sisters. The door opened and a woman named Elizabeth came in. She's Nicolas's sister.


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"Welcome Elizabeth." said Nicolas. "I have to report a crime, Adam has done something terrible." she said. "Allow me." he replied and took his hand. "Oh my." said Nicolas. "What did you see?" I asked. "Looks like your ex-husband has created an immortal child." he said "Please, let them live." I replied. "Let them live." he said. "Adam hasn't done anything wrong." replied Maria. "Maria's right, please let them live." begged Regina. "He has broken the law, both him and his child will die." he said.

I feel so sorry for Luna😭 I love that Vlad and his sisters are defending Adam.

I hope you liked the chapter


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