There's no escape

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Vanessa's: POV

"Have seen dad?" asked Katerina. "No." I said. "He'd come home, he never came." she replied worried. "Don't panic, I'll find him." I said calmly. "Thank you." she replied. I tried to call dad, but came to his voicemail. Panic began to fill my body. What if something has happened to him? Someone was stabbing me with garlic and I fell unconscious to the floor. Everything went black.


I opened my eyes and saw a dark room. I crouched and vomited blood. When I was sure I had been out all garlic from my body, I stood up unsteadily.

"You're up." said William and smirked "Your family killed my papa." I said angrily. "I'm a vampire slayer, it's our job." he replied. "I'll drink until there's no blood left in your body." I said threatening. "I'm so scared." he replied laughing. I saw that my hands was tied up in silver chains and I screamed outta pain. He let me drink a blood bag, but my stomach turned inside out. I threw up and lay exhausted on the ground. "You can't escape, this is your prison." he said and left me.


Camelia's: POV

"Vanessa, are you here?" I asked. "Go away, before I do something that I'll regret." she said. "I'm here to help you." I replied. "You have to leave." said Vanessa. I'm not going anywhere without you." I replied. "Listen to me, Will is a vampire slayer and he's very dangerous." I said. "I know." she replied.

"Well well, look who we have here." replied Will. "Don't hurt her." I said. "She's a vampire." replied William. "You've no heart, you're evil and mean." I replied. "I guess you're here to save your friend." he said. "Yes, I am." I replied. "She's not going anywhere." said Will. "I'll never be like you." I replied coldly. William grabbed me violently and threw me into the room. He locked the door and I can't even describe the look in his eyes. "Enjoy as long as you can." he said.

Poor Camelia

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Poor Camelia

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