Victoria's birth

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Adam's: POV


April 15th 1462: Transsylvania

My water broke during the night. "It hurts so much." I whimpered. "I can see her head." said Vlad calmly.

(Prince Vlad)

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(Prince Vlad)

I heard a baby cry and he lay down my daughter in my arms. "She's so beautiful." I said and stroked her cheek. "What will you name her?" he asked. "Victoria Maria Tepes." I said. "I love the name." he replied. "Me too." I said.

(Victoria Maria Tepes)

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(Victoria Maria Tepes)

"I love you so much and I will always do." I said and she giggled softly. Vlad kissed my lips. "Get some rest now, you need it." he said. "I love you." I replied. "I love you too." he said.


We told the news the next day. Everyone was so happy. "A vampire princess has been born." said Vlad. "Her name is Victoria Maria Tepes." I replied. "It's a perfect name for a princess." said a woman. "She's the one who will take over the throne." replied Vlad and everyone cheered. I smiled proudly. I'm so happy to be her dad.

-End of the flashback-

Victoria is so cute♥️ Adam and Vlad are wonderful parents to her.

I hope you liked the chapter


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