I will stay evil forever

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Robin's: POV


April 18th 2010: New York

"Vladimir, where are you?" I called but got no answer from his brother. "He turned evil last night." said Rylie. "Of course." I replied with a sigh. "I tried to talk to him, but he didn't listened." he said. "Not on me either." I replied. He patted my shoulder and I smiled a bit. I miss my happy brother so much.


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"I'm always here if you want to talk." said Rylie. "Thank you, I really appreciate it." I replied with a smile on my face. "I love you." he said. "I love you more." I replied and we kissed.


Vladimir's: POV

I love to be bad and cause chaos. I went into to a bar and began to sing. I had compelled everyone to stay or I'd killed them.  I walked up to a boy and started kissing him. I bit into his neck and drank the blood until his head fell off.


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A guy tried to leave but I ripped out his heart and he fell dead down to the floor

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A guy tried to leave but I ripped out his heart and he fell dead down to the floor. I killed the others before I set fire on the bar and went out with a smirk on my face. I walked to a store and stole clothes and makeup. My phone rang and my brother's name came up on the screen.

"Hello brother." I said in a suger sweet voice. "Where are you?" he asked worried. "Out." I said. "Come back home." he replied strictly. "In your dreams." I said and hung up. I went to another bar and partied. I drank both alcohol and blood. I would never be the kind Vlad again, I will stay evil forever.

Thank you glambertyaddybear for being in my book

I love evil Vlad💜

I hope you liked the chapter.


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