Someone's in love

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Vanessa's: POV

I opened my locker to take some books. "Ow." said a girl. "Oh, I'm so sorry, are you alright?" I asked worried. "Yeah, I'm fine." she said. "My name is Camelia." she said. "My name is Vanessa and this is my twin sister Katerina." I replied.


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"I like your name." she said. "We're from Romania." replied Kat. "There you are."said a man. "Dad, this is my two new friends Vanessa and Katerina." replied Cam. "Nice to meet." he said and shook our hands. "You are a very special girl." said Eric before they left. "Camelia is so cute." I replied happily. "Somone's in love." teased Kat with a smirk on her face. I'm not." I replied. She gave me a look. "Maybe a bit." I replied. "I knew it." she replied. I rolled my eyes and smiled. "You're so funny." I said. "I know." replied Katerina and we laughed.


Camelia's': POV

"Hey Cam." said Vanessa with a smile on her face. "Hey." I replied with a sigh. "Has something happen?" she asked worried. "I'm just tired of moving from one place to a new and never get the chance to make some friends." I said. "I would love to be your friend. You're kind and funny." replied Nessie. "Thank you." I said and she gave me a hug.

"You're ice cold." I replied with a shudder. "I have a disease that makes my skin cold." she lied. "Poor you." I said and swallowed her lie. "It's okay." she repiled. "Would you like to hang out after school?" I asked. "I'd love to." she said. "I'm so glad we're friends." I replied. "Me too." said Vanessa. "Come or we'll be late to the art lesson." I replied.

I already love their friendship.

I hope you liked the chapter.


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