Stay away from me

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Vanessa's: POV

-Two days later-

I went down the hall when I saw Laura who was about to kiss Cam. I ran up to her and gave her a slap. "She's my girlfriend." I shouted coldly. She's in love with her. said the voice in my head. "Are you in love with her?" I asked angrily. "I told you to stay away from me." said Camelia coldly to Laura. "Yes!" she said.

"First you bullying me and then you try to steal my girlfriend." I replied and the anger boiled inside of me. You don't deserve her." said Laura. Stab her. I stabbed her until it was blood everywhere and she fell lifeless to the floor. Students and teachers ran up to her and someone called an ambulance. I dropped the bloody knife and I was breathing heavily.

"Nessie, please." said Camelia. I took a step back. "Stay away from me." I replied. I ran out and the voices came up in my head again. Our rebel girl, we are so proud of you. "Please leave me alone." I said. We'll never leave you. they replied.

 they replied

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You are so worthless. No one loves you. Everyone would be so happy if you disappeared. You're nothing. You are just waste of space.

"Stop." I said and tears were streaming down my face. Suddenly it began to thunder and the rain poured down. I came to a forset and I had no idea where I was. I found a cave and I sat down on the cold ground. I pulled up my knees to my chin and more tears came. Darkness filled my heart. I wasn't the kind Vanessa anymore. I love being evil. I left the forest and ran to the town.

I feel for Vanessa🥺💔

I hope you liked the chapter


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