Hello brother

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Katerina's: POV

"We have two new students here today." said our teacher. "My name is Katerina Petrova and this my twin sister Vanessa." I presented. "Are you two from Romania?" asked a boy. "Yes." I said. "Cool." he replied. "You two look like death itself, have you even been out in the sun." said Fred. "Very mature." replied a girl. "I wasn't talking to you." he said. "We have a disease that means we can't be out in the sun." replied Vanessa. "How awful!" said Emma. "It's okay." she replied. "Listen to this." said a boy.

Eric Collins was found murdered in a last night. His throat was cut up and the body was emptied off blood. The police hasn't catch the killer yet.

"Sounds like a vampire." replied Fred. "Don't be silly, vampires doesn't exist." said Emma. "Why would a killer empty him on blood?" asked Fred. "I don't know." she said. "People have seen a bat flying around." replied Fred. "It was probably Vanessa, come on, drink my blood." he said laughing. "Leave her alone." I replied coldly. "How sweet of you, you protect your sister." he said. He flew across the room and hit the back in the wall. I smirked proudly. Blood was running from his nose.

"Who did it?" asked our teacher with a strict voice. "Katerina, she pushed me." said Fred. "I didn't do it." I replied. "She's lying." he said. "Do you want detetion?" he asked"No, sir." said Fred. "Start working." he replied.

"That was so badass." said Emma impressed. "I hate bullies." I replied. "Yeah, me too." she said. "Thanks, Kat." replied Vanessa. "No problem, sister." I said and hugged her. "Sorry I lost control." she replied. "You did it to protect me, I'm not mad at you." I said.


Jonathan's: POV

I was in my wolf form and I chased Renfield around the castle. "Adam, help." he said.

"What's going on?" asked Adam

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"What's going on?" asked Adam. I turned back and smiled. "Hello brother." I said. "Jonathan." he replied and hugged me. "I've missed you so much." I said. "Me too." replied Adam.

Jonathan is reunited with his brother

I hope you liked the chapter


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