3: Show Your Silhouette

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Reflections of the red machine in the whites of her eyes. Red always looked tempting. If red wasn't' tempting enough, then why would Eve be tempted by the snake? Doesn't it strike you, how red is the colour for both lust and love? A phenomenon that pulls you in nevertheless what?
"Maybe we can play it."
Her eyes fixed on it. As if under a spell. What was that pull? What was special about this tin box? The red paint? The yellow buttons? Or the mystery around it?
"You want to?"
What makes you startled? Well, imagine yourself, under an influence, zoned out completely. Won't the slightest bit startle you? Besides Jennie and Sierra were way too much of a scaredy cat.
They saw the owner of the arcade, scratching his chin. Eyebrow up, eyes like a wolf. Sinister, scamming.
Hands clutched on their chests, eyes fluttering. The owner just stood there. The intense tension between the group, the owner and the gaming device.
"What game?"
"What game would you like to play?"

Jisoo was the first player. She loved games. And the VR setting of the race just tempted her. As if the wind was hitting her face. As if she was driving that vehicle. Her tender hands spinning on the steering wheel. Her feet tapping a timid melody. She was a really passionate gamer.

Five times? Way too many times for a coincidence. How can five people make the same mistake in the same stage? Did they care? Wish they did.
Hands in hand, not giving a damn about their loss or win. Giggling away their worries. Skipping, laughing. Sierra bent down, noticing her shoelaces untied. The girls skipping forward. A moment wouldn't matter.
She was on her knees, tying the shoelace. The girls swayed away, like a montage from a teen drama. Today was fun. The arcade... What was even it's name?
Her head turning towards the arcade. A neon sign hanging eerily. Squinting her eyes, her fingers loose on the shoelaces.
The owner was at the door, smiling, fingers running through his cotton white beard. She felt weird. A shiver running down her spine. A creep.
"Sierra. Come on!"
Lisa waved her long palms, signing Sierra to fasten up and join them.
"Yeah Lili."
Hastening up, her eyes devoured the sight of the arcade one last time. What was that? Why was it pulling her in so much? Why couldn't she turn her eyes?
"Hurry Ra!"
A moment's best when it ends unfinished. Sierra couldn't help but turn away and run to her group of people.

The bed never had seemed softer. The face mask sinking slowly on her skin. The acne was killing her. She should seriously find a way to get life back on track. A track she never had. Healthy diets, skincare routines. And by healthu diets, by no means it indicates towards losing weight. But just not having things that cause you harm.
Paintings lwft for a tomorrow that will never come. Paint splattered all over the small attic like loft. That's all you get for cheap.
Scooping up cold water amongst both her palms. Feeling the mask peel away. Her reflection in the round mirror. Her pure reflection.
Big feline eyes, amber eyes. Freckles on her honey skin, red luscious lips. Traits inherited from her mother.
Longer limbs, sanpaku eyes, straight and bright smile. A fraction of her father.
Again, her side of France comes out through her paint brushes. Her Korean side chose to flourish through her choices. Choices to run, choices to merge in the crowd.

Climbing out of the small window, sitting on the roof, the wind hitting her. Hair blowing out of her face. The night sky never looked more welcoming.
A guilt eating her up. Hugging her knees. Eyes hungrily devouring the moon. What was so special about this night? As if it would scurry away if she closes her eyes. Just even for once.
Sierra couldn't help but shiver. The trash can rolling down the street as a commotion of heavenly voices merged together boomed through the alley. Her curious eyes trying to see through the dark. Getting on her feet. Her eyes meeting another. Neither knew. It was too dark to know. All they saw was a silhouette. A silhouette that made them stop at their tracks.
He stopped, her silhouette stuck in his sanpaku eyes. What was about her? It was good. Good enough to get him stuck. Honestly nothing has ever got him so much mesmerised other than music. Her long hair flowing, wearing something oversized. Standing on the roof.
"Careful ma'am. It's cold outside and the roof isn't the most safest place to be."
His voice deep. Deeper than the ocean. She gulped in every word. A thing about him that stuck. She doesn't know what. But it just stuck out. His long limbs and the way the light hit him in a way that nothing hut his silhouette met her eyes. The mystery. Sierra chuckled, conveying back,
"Thank you for reminding me that dear sir. But the streets aren't safe as well. The cold winds are chasing. So, be careful too dear sir."
Sierra swore she had heard nothing more pure than his giggles.
"Sure thing dear lady."
Staring into obsecurity. They found a comfort, a warmth. Nothing but their silhouettes and voice. But nothing ever felt better.
"Hurry Hyung!"
He heard his name being called. Why? His head snapped away from her and to his friends. Calling him. His eyea fluttered towards the silhouette of the lady. Understanding his gaze, Sierra chuckled, curtsying as a mock,
"Go ahead, Hwangjanim."
He couldn't help it. A laughter, good jolly laughter, rode up his throat. He faked a curtsy as well,
"Night, My lady."

An ache. A splinter. On their hearts. Knowing that, they encounter they had now. Would be nothing but a memory. They would never be able to recreate it. Never. Maybe after the lights shine, they wouldn't even like each other. But what haappened tonight, was just for tonight. A memory to be found in a lost poetry.

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