94: Tears flow again

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Death was normalized by now. They had to let go of too many loved ones. Now, it felt like just another Tuesday.
The brutal news wrenched their hearts. True. But again, it was expected. They expected death every night before they went to bed. They expected to hear of death every morning. Though they were happy, they weren't ignorant to their fates.
Sierra rang Lisa, while taking out Taehyung's suit. It was being worn too often.
"So when's your flight, Lisa?"
"45-ish minute?"
"Great, I'll be wearing the Chanel Jennie Unnie gave me. Bye."
It's not like she didn't want to cry and throw a fit. She wanted to puke out the black gooey emotions. She wanted to carve her heart out, in order to end the pain. The mere thought that she won't ever have an Unnie and an Oppa like Jennie Kim and Min Yoongi wrecked her to the core. Jennie was her first friend, because of the language barrier. Yoongi was her brother.
But, it's not like it's the first time she lost a loved one. And the deaths were hapoening too often now. Though it scarred, she was used to it by now. It was hurting her, but that's basically what she got used to nowadays.
Taehyung splashed his fac ewith cold water. There was barely enough room inside the bathroom, but it was still home. He felt hazy and dizzy. As if everything around him was shivering and shrinking. The feeling that he was surrounded by warm smoke and it was getting harder to breathe. He was slowly getting used to it. Which is not necessarily a good thing. The pain is not going anywhere, he is just growing a thicker skin. He walked out, rubbing his hair dry,
She hummed, facing him. She looked hollow and empty. But again, she doesn't remember the last time she wasn't. He wrapped his arm around her, sniffing on her perfume and smell of fresh paint,
"I don't know when shall be the last time I say this, so I'll keep saying it because I don't want you to be deprived of hearing it... I love you."

It was an odd sight. To see a handsome young man, with white chrysanthemums and suited up in a metro. He stood out. But he couldn't care less. He had his earphones plugged and he didn't care about the world anymore. Jeon Jungkook was rather intrigued by the patterns. Stress, anxiety, fear. The moment they feel they are cornered and don't have a way out. Terrible sadness that wrenches them out. Could it be the devil himself, that is toying with them? Could it be, that they are the devils themselves? He shook off the thoughts. He'll have to die too, so why think about it?

The funeral was lavish. It was more of a memorial than a funeral. They lost both the bodies. Kim Jennie and Min Yoongi were entwined so closely that they burned to ashes was smoke. They had shed their past two selves and now were one. Maybe that's how it works in love. It burns you and leaves behind only ashes, yet still it brings some sort of a serenity.
Sierra, Taehyung, Jin, Hoseok, Jungkook and Lisa weren't that big of a part there. All the speeches were done by the superficial people linked to her mother. No one got to know the true Jennie and Yoongi. Why they cried, who made them cry, what was their favourite places to be. Their dreams and ambitions and love.
It was hypocritical to be honest. How they acted as if all that led to Jennie and Yoongi's demise wasn't their fault. Made the group of young people cackle.
And they were kicked out. From the funeral of their brother and sister. By the very people who killed them. But they couldn't care less. All they knew was, Jennie and Yoongi were finally together.
Instead they went to that one bbq place that Jennie and Yoongi adored.
The woman dreaded seeing the group like this. Drenched out of life, wearing black and their group slowly getting smaller and smaller. They looked hollow and empty. Their smile was frightening as it had no life in it. As if tehy were all tired and all they wanted was a deep slumber. She decided to approach their table,
"Aigoo, my pretty pretty Sierra and Lisa! How lovely you look with your boyfriends. Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook, right? Oh, what handsome boys you are! And my Hoseok-ah and Seokjin-ah! Just settle down, I will bring you food. Eat a lot, okay? It is on the house today."
They all nodded. Sierra cracked the soju bottle open. Downing a glass straight. She wanted the world to go blurry, the way it did when she cried. She wanted to pass out. And wake up with pain everywhere. She wanted her heart to burn and her senses to tingle. She wanted her body to get numb and her eyes to get droopy. But she only said,
"Gah... It burns."
Taehyung placed his head on his shoulder. Placing his suit on her lap. He mumbled,
"It always does, Juliette. Even if you get used to it. It burns."
Jungkook made himself a Soju bomb and downed it. Then he made an Irish bomb, just as his Yoongi Hyung taught him. And downed that in one go. And guess who watched it all? Lalisa Manoban. She groaned, softly urging Jungkook to quit,
"Jungkook-ah, don't drink that much."
He was slightly tipsy. That's what the Irish Bomb was for. It got even the heavyweights drunk within a moment. Plus he had had the soju bomb beforehand. He slurred, in a tone so only she could hear,
"Why do you care? I'm not Jeong Yoon-o."
And that was the straw that broke the camel's back. Lisa slammed her fist on the wooden table, the vein at the back of her neck popping,
"For fuck's sake, I broke up with Jeong Yoon-o!"

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