22: You can fly away with me tonight

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Her fingers mercilessly going back and fro on the brush. Paint splatters slowly coming to gain a meaning. An alley, yellow street lights, two young souls. The crowd around them was just blurry scribbles of colour. Nothing mattered except them.
Her phone buzzed. The alarm going off, warning her it's about time.
"I get it. I get it. Just another false hope."
She rubbed her hands with the already messed up towel. The paint was hard to get off. He isn't gonna be here. Again.
Hopping on the small ladder, poking her head through the small window. The cold air hitting her face with a thump. And to her surprise, he was standing their. Leaning on the lamppost.
"You came..."
His voice warm like the honey. As if heaven's melody. Her heart missing a beat. A sudden and abrupt humidity on the whites of her eyes. She mumbled, as that's what she only could do,
"I always do."

"This is where I take my leave Mademoiselle. It hurts to do so, but that's life. Isn't it?"
He bowed gracefully. His cheeks tainted with tears. Good thing she didn't see it. His heart beating with an uncertainty. As if she's going to a war and may never come back again.
Sierra couldn't see him leave. Knowing that he might not come by again. He said his limit was just once.
No he can't be that way. She can't take it. Yearning for him. Her feet scurried down. It was now or never.

One hand inside his pocket, while the other tapped on the phone. Again the folder called you. Again the note starting with "Dear You". What else can he do? Maybe she won't like him. He's scared that she might hate him for hiding for so long. Maybe she would just get mad at him for not telling that to her earlier. Maybe she'd no longer like him after he reasons that he just was not ready to spill. He just couldn't man up enough. What if she leaves? Taehyung has seen too many people leave him all throughout his life. He can't take another blow. He just can't.

Dear You
I'm sorry to disappoint you again anad again. I never intend to hurt you. It's just that I'm a bundle of insecurities. I keep on thinking you won't like me. I usually can't hold on to people I love. And you are the last thing that I would want to ever lose. But feels like I'm losing you eitherways. Wish I could show up...

He stumbled on his steps. Two arms snaking around his waist, tightly wrapping him in a hug. He felt tears leave wet patches on his back. A rather feminine sob.
"Don't go away. Please. Please. Stay..."
Sierra rubbed her eyes with her palms. Her nails digging on his jacket. As if he'd vanish into thin air if she let's go. Shaking and shivering. Her words merging up inside her tongue. Nothing but a whisper,
"Kim Taehyung."
As if his heart could stop any second. His name never sounded any sweeter. His eyes wide, breathing hitched. Sierra asked her to stay. Even after knowing him.
"You knew..."
"Of course I did. Since the drama rehearsals. Why do you think I wouldn't? Your voice. I can recognise it any moment. Why the hell can't you stay? Huh? And if you can't stay then why do you make me wait for you?"
Her balled fists kept hitting his broad back. Tears streaming down her cheeks. Nose tinted red. Pulling on Taehyung's arms to turn him around. Cupping his face as soon as he turned around,
"Yah! Kim Taehyung, why don't you understand that I have feelings for you? Why do you run away from me? Why?"
Her voice breaking as her eyes becoming clear. She gulped as her voice went lower. Almost a breathy whisper,
"Why can't you figure it out that I want you to stay?"

She scooted closer to him. He was the definition of warmth. His chin on top of his head, making sure she was warm and comfortable in his embrace. His voice went a few octaves low,
"Feeling better, my lady?"
Sierra hummed, melting completely down in his embrace. The cold bench, his warmth, his heartbeat.
He tucked her hair behind her ear. Slightly pressing her head on his chest. Murmuring a small song. Maybe he had wrote it. Or maybe Sierra didn't have the faintest clue of the pop culture around her.
Her shivering lips parted slightly, as she somehow managed to spat,
"I love you, Kim Taehyung."
His eyes crunched up, lips open in a rectangle, flashing his teeth. A tinge of crimson on his bread cheeks.
Pecking her forehead. Slowly peppering her face with small butterfly kisses,
"I love you too and more."

His jaws hanging low. Infront of his eyes, in just one glance, her eye colour changed from the most beautiful shade of amber to the rarest shades of emeralds.
"Sierra, your eyes!"
Disbelief and amazement in his eyes. Judging by his pale face and mouth wide agape. Sierra knew she had changed. Right in front of his eyes.
She has sat for hours in front of the mirror and saw herself transform. Transformation always comes with a pain. When the tattoos sprung out of her skin, she felt as if someone had poured molten lava on her twisting muscles. Yet she kept her eyes open. If she's meant to change, why should she run away?
"It changed didn't it?"
And suddenly a young man ran towards her. His long and strong arms thrown around her. He was shaking and sobbing. He kept on holding onto her. As if she'd fly away. He wanted to inhale her scent. But alas she was wearing Taehyung's jacket.
He can't let her go away. He has lost way too many people. He can't lose another one. And not her. Ever. After all this chaos, he feels his peace in her. As if his missing piece.
His voice shakey. He had started to worry Sierra. Was he in need of help but couldn't ask for it? What if he has been dying inside? She hugged him tighter, burrying her face on his chest. His deep voice breaking from the tears,
"Why the fuck did you go to that arcade?"

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