73: If I had you I wouldn't lose against them anymore

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She smiled at his voice. A warmth inside her heart and butteflies in her stomach. She toyed with the hem of her dress. Daisies all over the a-line dress. Her hair in two space buns. Her voice was a serotonin boost on it's own,
"Yeah Yun-o?"
She took his hands in her. He chuckled, pecking her hands softly,
"Have you told Jungkook yet?"
Her smile dropped as her eyes lost focus. She didn't utter a single word to him. But, doesn't he know? Even after all the signs? He knows, right?
"No. Not yet."

"Jendeuk-ie, I'm sorry."
Jisoo gulped down her tears. She haven't cried in front of anyone but Namjoon till date. Jennie giggled, putting stuff in the bag,
"Unnie, that's the 13th time you said sorry..."
She smiled, turning towards Jisoo. She gently held Jisoo's arms, love in her eyes. She continued,
"Unnie, I have nothing against you. You are my Unnie. My Chu Unnie. Come on. We have to leave."
Her fingers laced with Jisoo's. Her cheeks fluffed up. Jisoo felt warmth. A warmth she thought she lost. And once again, she knew, that her girls weren't the one ruining her life. Instead they were saving her.
Namjoon cleared his throat, standing by the door frame. His pale face caught Jisoo's eyes. A pang of guilt hitting her. He was scared. He was going through all this because of her. She murmured,
"Jen, can... Can I take your phone? I'll be quick I swear."
Jennie had an odd feeling. She cocked an eyebrow, but she possibly can't dney it right now. Can she? She can end up hurting him. She clicked her tongue,
"Yeah. It's on the bookshelf."
Namjoon smiled, but Jennie swore there were tears in his eyes. She wanted to console him. But they were short on time.
The ringer went on thrice as slow as his heartbeat. He had his eyes shut and tears fell out of his sharply crafted eyes. He sat there, his back against the wall. The most secluded place in his house. He didn't want life to turn this way. He never intended to,
"Hello, this is your emergency operator speaking. How may I..."
"I murdered a woman months from now. I want to turn myself in for my crime."
His eyes wide open, but he couldn't see a thing. He was dying. He was killing himself with every word that he spoke. But it's either him or Jisoo. It can't be Jisoo. She doesn't deserve that. For her he'll die with a smile. So why not just take her crime on his shoulder. His lips parted again,
"I'll be staying put till your forces come here. I have no weapon on me and I don't intend to harm anyone else."
He cut the call, throwing his head back against the wall. Now he needed the others to go out of his house and find their safe place. His eyelids shut forcefully, he couldn't help but shudder with every tear.
"You crazy bastard, what the fuck have you done!"
Yoongi's voice was hoarse. The veins at the back of his neck were popping out. His pale face had darkened with rage. He jumped at Namjoon almost, grabbing the 6ft male by his collars. His fists shaking a bit, as he shook Namjoon. Tears made their way through his sharp eyes as he screamed,
"What have you done Namjoon-ah! Why? Why did you do that? You crazy bastard! The cops would be here any moment!"
Jennie and Jisoo stood by the doorways. Jennie shrieked,
"Oppa! Did you fucking confess? Oppa No!"
Namjoon's eyes fell on Jisoo, standing by the doorframe. Her dears looked like diamonds. Her lips agape,
"Kim Namjoon, did you do this to save me? Did you kill yourself for me?"
He smiled back at her. Tears in his dragon eyes. His dimples peeking out, he said,
"Kim Jisoo, saranghae."
Jisoo stormed at Namjoon, pulling him by his collar. Her fists hitting her rapidly. She cried, howled, screaming,
"Kim Namjoon, why? Why did you pity me? Huh? I hate you. I hate you for sacrificing yourself for me! I killed her not you! Why? Why did you take my sin? Why do you love me? Fuck you! You are my world, Kim Namjoon. I xan't lose you! I can't Namjoon-ah. I hate you! I fucking hate you."
Yoongi had to practically carry Jisoo away from Namjoon. He could feel her heartbeat from her back. Her face was cherry red, and her nose was slightly runny. Yoongi was the same. Jennie stood there. As still as a statue carved out of stones. Tears in her eyes. She bit her bottom lip, trying not to sob. Namjoon smiled through his tears,
"Jennie-ya, are you gonna shout at me too? Go on, I'm all ears. You have all the rights to shout at me my french tutor-nim..."
A push in his chest. A blunt feeling of emptiness inside him. Jennie had her arms wrapped around him. Barely reaching his chest level. She sniffed,
"Oppa, I don't have words for you at the moment. I wanna tell you off, scream at you even hit you perhaps. But I won't do it. I want to hide you away, keep you safe and get you married to my Jisoo Unnie. I wanna narrate your story to your children. The children who would have her lips and your smile, your eyes and her way of seeing things. I wanna see you kiss Jisoo-nnie, in a white dress with a bouquet in her hands. You could have started a new life Oppa. I almost saved you. But I couldn't. I'm sorry Oppa. I'm sorry to you, who wants to leave us hurt. Completely scarred and devasted. You, who we love. Kim Namjoon. The one with peace and pigeons. The one with a heart and a brain. The one for his Hyungs and Dongsaengs. The one who was like a dandelion to me, Lisa, Sierra and Rosie. The love my Chu Unnie treasures. Our Kim Namjoon. Our safe place. Shall we meet again, I shall never let go of a brother once again. Toi, qui ne montre aucune pitié, tu n'en auras aucune en matière d'amour. tu seras aimé, un peu plus longtemps qu'à jamais ne le sera."
Namjoon hugged her back, brwaking into tears once more. Sniffing her scent for the last time. He said through his sobs,
"Jennie-ya, keep my Jisoo safe. I have given her enough pain. I couldn't keep her happy. She deserves the whole world. Keep her safe. You will always stay my little sister. So will Sierra and Lisa. And my brothers will forever be my brothers. Tell them to come meet me, I didn't get to bid them goodbye. You guys, won't you visit me? Tell me, Jen. Would you not visit me? Promise me one thing Ni, no matter what you'll not let Jisoo visit me. She doesn't need to see me. It will kill me. Make sure she forgets me Nini, and she moves on. I love her to the ends of the world. And I want her to be happy. Happier than she was with me. And Jen..."
He let go of her, rummaging through his pockets. He took out a small red box. Shoving it inside Jennie's tiny palms,
"Give it to her. As a token of my love. So that she never doubts my love. Things are already killing me. But her loss of trust would just be my poison."

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