26: With all our hearts, let's start fresh

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Jennie shuddered. No wonder she was always called a dumbhead. How could she not properly lock the door? Dumb Jennie.
Jennie scowled. A numbing pain inside her brain. As if her limbs were being electrocuted. As if she had been thrown into a pool of fire as her muscles twist and tear apart.
She tried getting up, making sure that she appears powerful. Pulling up a straight face to cover her pain.
She was soft like a feather fallrn out of a swan's wing. Yoongi wabted to keep her always wrapped in his arms, like now. Why didn't she trip on her own feet often?
"Jennie, I'm sorry if I invaded your personal space. But please don't push me out. Not now atleast."
"Why? So that you can laugh at my misery?"
Bitter was an understatement. Jennie's voice went through him like a dagger. He held her closer. Sensing her shiver and howl from pain. He whispered,
"Please give me your pain, Jennie Kim. I can't see you suffer like this. You don't deserve it Jennie. You deserve all the beautiful things in this world..."
"Shut it Min! Shut it! Stop making me feel as if someone cares for me and loves me. Stop it please."
Jennie sniffled a bit. His cologne and his embrace. Chanel. Boy Chanel. You can never argue about Chanel with Jennie Kim. She can overthrow the CEO anyday. Her tiny heart beating vigorously. Why Min Yoongi? What fun do you get making this lovesick girl fall deeper?
As if she had melted in his embrace. Her body giving in completely. Weary, shaky, tears still at the corner of her eyes. Gasping, trying to catch her breath. Her fitted black mini dress, looked unaltered and huge. As if she was wearing a sack all along.
Yoongi softly cupped her round cheeks, in his huge palms. Her nose and eyes red, face dragged out of colour. As if she was stripped away from her bare minimums. His voice low and calm, looking deep in her cat eyes,
"Jennie Ruby Jane Kim, I really really really do care for you. It hurts me to see you down. It feels as if a strong force is choking me when I see you cry. Wanna know why? Cause I love you. I love you more than anything in this fucking world, Kim. Give me your pain, weary, insecurities. Take all of me instead. I can't see you suffer like that. I just can't..."
He couldn't say any longer. As he felt a weak tug at his collar, pulling him in. A pair of soft, full lips latching on his. His hands finding her petite waist. Smirking in between the kiss. As if a burst of candies and confetti from the pinata at a toddlers birthday party.

A whisk in her life. A terrible earthquake inside her. Tears engulfing her eyes. Why? Why did the magic have to take away her? Alice Park. How did you manage to forget your little baby sister?
This can't be right? She grew up with Alice. Alice had seen her when she was just a few minutes old. She has sought advice from Alice ever since she could remember.
A nickname that only feels nice to her if it steps out of Park Jimin's plump lips. Rosé hastily brushed her tears, running towards Jimin. Shaking him, as if a maniac on lose. Her beautifully angelic voice breaking,
"Give me your handphone, Park Jimin! Give me come on. Give me!"
"Geez, Roseanne."
Rosé almost clawed the handphone away from his soft hands. Jimin took a step back, out of surprise. Rosé had never been like this. She looked frustrated. Really frustrated.
The ringer going on and on. Her tears flowing out of control. The tiny heart inside her ribs slowed down. A feminine voice from the otherside,
"Hello, this is Alice..."
"Alice! It's me Rosé, your sister. Roseanne Park, Park Chaeyoung. How can you not remember me?"
"I told you I don't know you! Why are you bugging me? Listen, next time you call me up, I'll hand you over to the cops."
An abrubt cut making her howl louder. Her fingers fumbling on the keypad, dialling the same number. Only to be greeted by a robotic voice,

"The number you've been dialling is currently unreachable. Please try again after sometimes. Thank You."

Her almond eyes flooded with tears, drowning away her mascara. She fell in Jimin's arms, snuggling close. He hugged her tighter and closer. His brows furrowed as he took a long breath. He can't see her in misery. He just can't.
"Jimin... Alice Unnie doesn't remember me any longer. How do you expect me to live on with the fact that the person who was my sister a few hours ago, is now a complete stranger. Jimin. I am such a dumbhead. You know what? These things are happening to me because I deserve this. I am a stupid, an airhead..."
"You are none of this Rosie. You are the most funny, cheerful, sweet, kind, smart person I ever came across. You are a pandora box full of talents. You, who never knew how to dance, now pass off as an experienced modern and rookie ballet dancer. Let alone your singing talents and quick wit. You are more than what you think you are. You aren't dumb Rosé. You are brilliant."
Jimin felt his heart twist into knots. An unidentified guilt at the back of his throat. Forcefully gulping down what felt like a chokehold of mucus. Jimin cupped Rosé's face in his small hands and brushed away her tears softly with his thumbs.
Was he always this dreamy or was it just a filter made by her tears? The sincerity in his heavenly eyes. His soft, pink lips. The way his hair flowed. As if a prince out of a fairytale. Would it really be too hard to pull him in and say how much she loves him? Focus Roseanne! You can't just confess to your best friend. What if he sees you as a friend? And he will hate you when he gets to know about you. A bloody chameleon.
"Jimin, you are saying that cause..."
"Cause I love you Park Chaeyoung. Was it so hard to know that? Wasn't I obvious? Everyone knows that by now Roseanne. You are the one for me, Rosé. And if not you, then no one. I know I'm ruining a good friendship, you probably don't even like me as a lover. But I promise you, just give me this one chance and let me prove my love to you. I really really really love you. I am a fool who has nothing to do but admire the goddess in front of his eyes. Rosé, I want a share in your sadness. I want to trade my small happinesses with you. Just give me a chance, okay? Just one?"
Rosé felt a throb in her heart. Jimin liked her... Just as much as her. She squealed, throwing herself on to Jimin. Wrapping him in a tight embrace, taking in his smell,
"Please never leave me."
"I won't. Trust me."
"Would it be too weird to ask for a kiss?"
Jimin scoffed at the church girl wrapped in his arms. Cockily leaning in, in the most flirty tone ever, he whispered,
"You read my mind."

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