62: I'll write your name

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Taehyung, felt unusual ringing the doorbell. It was his house too. His heart had won. He couldn't sit still, when he saw how pale she had became. When Jungkook returned to his seat, whispering to Lisa,
"Si said she'll go alone. She doesn't want me to miss the funeral and she doesn't want to hurt you, Lisa."
Lisa just nodded, glancing at Taehyung. As if trying to say,
"Go reach out to your Juliette, Kim Taehyung-ssi."
Perhaps, no. Perhaps, Taehyung just made it up. As an excuse for his heart to win.
So when the funeral ended, he wasted not a single second before starting up his Porsche. Driving through the busy Seoul streets, just to reach his lady. He doesn't wanna be late. He already had been late to a loads of places.
He received nothing but silence when he rang the bell. Again and again. Till his jeart started to clench. Pearls of sweat on his forehead. The veins on his neck popping up. He banged his fists on the door,
"Yah! Sierra! Are you in there, My Lady?"
"I'm safe. Don't worry. I just need some alone time."
He knows she was sitting on the floor, her back pressed against the door. He calmed down for a second. He slid down on the floor. His back against the same spot as her's. Their hearts alligned in a line. Just a wooden door between them. He could hear the brokenness and the taers in her voice. How incredibly heart she was. His voice soft, soft enough to give her the shoulde rto cry on that she is missing all along,
"Sierra, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you. I couldn't hold you in my arms. I couldn't console you. I couldn't face off Jisoo. I couldn't protect you. I couldn't love you enough. The love that you deserve, My Lady, transcends anything in this world. I'm sorry, my Juliette. I wasn't in the right headspace. I was being a jerk. I'm sorry, but just give me one more chance. I'll bask you with my love. I'll hold you when the world grows darker. I love you, my Princess."
He heard sobs inside. His lady was crying. He was probably the worst boyfriend ever. He should have stayed by her side.
He heard a metal clank against something hard. His eyes popping out as if. He stumbled on his feet, quickly fishing the keys out of his pocket. Twisting it down, he screamed,
"Sierra, move away from the door. NOW!"
And with a bang! He was inside the small apartment. His home. His lady on the ground, surprise written all over her teary eyes. He got on his knees, taking Sierra fully under his embrace. He cooed,
"Please tell me you are okay?"
Sierra sobbed, her long fingers scrunching up Kim Taehyung's shirt, she sniffed. His scent calming her down, burying herself in his warmth. Her heartbeat twice as usual, breathing hitched. Taehyung made sure she was comfortable in his lap. He burrowed his chin at the crook of her neck. His sharp eyes scanning through the room, as he whispered,
"I can't lose you, Juliette. It is going to just kill me. So promise me, no matter what, you won't dare think of hurting yourself again."
"Bu-t Oppa..."
"No ifs and buts my Juliette. You are the flower that heavens sent for me. And flowers never do harm to anyone. You are my flower Ra."
Sierra kept her head closer towards his heart. A certain rhythm played by his heartbeat. She felt at ease. Letting her walls down. Her middle name had never felt better as if.
Her grandparents used to call her Juliette. They were probably the only ones who saw the real her and adored her for it. And when she finally mustered up the courage to tell her full name to him, he slowly whispered,
"You're my Juliette."
As if flowers bloomed inside her heart. She was his Juliette. To everyone, she was Sierra. To her Mére and Appa she was Ae-ra. To this day, she flinches when someone calls her by her full name. Jeong Ae-ra. Searching for what she has done wrong. But Juliette was a different case. A different softness. A different love. And, the fact that he always adds "my" in front of the word, makes it even sweeter.
"Don't you think we are destined? The way we kept crossing paths, as if the heavens kept pushing us towards each other. The infatuation and the pull between our hearts. Then we getting casted as Romeo and Juliet. Juliette, my very own Juliette. We didn't come along this far just because we wanted to. We came along this far because were bound to. We had no option left but to fall in love. We are written in stars, moons and every celestial body. And don't you dare tamper that, My Lady. You'll stay mine, forever. Like this, tucked in my arms."
He pecked the top of her head. Then pouring all his care through the tiny peck on her forehead. She almost shivered. As if she was human again. Taehyung picked her up in his arms, complete bridal style. Gently lying her down on her soft mattress bed. He knew how she was feeling. He can't trust her to stand up, without getting dizzy. His long fingers tucked the loose strands of chocolate hair behind her ears. His eyes soft, his voice softer,
Sierra subtly chuckled. Humming in the tinies voice possible,
"I know it's hard for you. I know you weren't thinking straight. I know that at that point your mind was all fuzzed up. Fucked up completely. To the point that you felt that was the only decision you can take. You are strong enough, sweetie. You are not selfish or weak or anything. You were just going through a loads of things. It's okay. I am with you. I always will be. Next time, if anything like this ever happens and you feel like everything is going south, I don't care what I'm going through, just call me. Next time, don't do anything else. Next time hold on for a bit longer. Your skin is not paper, that you can cut with scissors. But you are made from my poems, novels and loveletters indeed. Please, if ever anything like this happens again, call me and jump into my arms. Please don't give up, my Juliette. For my sake, if not for own, Mademoiselle."
He once again pecked her forehead. Slowly walking to the other side of the room. He carefully picked up the scissors and placed it inside her stationary box.

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