98: I want to get away from the pain that chains me

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He lied. He felt like he had to. She went along with it, because she knew he didn't want to bother her. These days, everyone stays incredibly over concious around her. She has a huge possibility of dying, any day now. She even wants death to embrace her as soon as possible, if she's the only one going. If death makes a pact, that it would stop harming the others in exchange of her, she'll gladly walk through hell.
These days, it hurt her too breathe a bit more than usual. It felt as if her limbs were getting twisted every other second. She couldn't feel her heart at times, but sometimes she felt as if her heart would burst. Everything around her was either too overwhelming or never left a mark. She was either too sensitive or totally numb.
She glanced at Taehyung with her heavy eyes. She could tell almost, that he was worried. He wanted to get out of the parking lot. She does too. She only hoped to get away from here, but also, she felt as if her stomach was churning. The thought that Taehyung was approached by that little bastard worries her to the point that she can feel vomit ride up her throat. Why did that man have to look out for Taehyung? Is he going to hurt him? That midget could have met her instead? She was just a few feet away. She whimpered tiredly,
"Kim Taehyung-ah..."
Her voice breaking softly, making Taehyung snap out of his thoughts. He noticed that Sierra still hadn't touch her food. He hummed, as he shifted the route. She needed some sunlight too. He asked,
"What was that bastard doing there in the parking lot?"
She saw him flinch a bit. She scoffed, a very snorty giggle almost. It had been days since she did that. He lowered his voice, awkwardly asking,
"You saw?"
"I did. I stepped out for a second because I thought I saw someone."

She saw Jungkook. Jungkook in jeans and a white shirt. Sleeves rolled. His tattooed hands had a bouquet of chrysanthemums. She frantically tried running towards him. As a lost traveler does towards a mirage in the middle of the desert. Her knees felt as if they'll snap and she heard her own heartbeat. When she got too close, Jungkook smiled, backing off a bit,
"Wait some more, you'll join me soon enough. Take the bouquet Ae-ra..."
He had extended the bouquet towards her. But she backed off, a small tear flowed out of her eyes. She tried smiling,
"I'm hallucinating, am I not? My own mind is making things more scary for me. Jungkook-ah, I love you. You were my twin. I will love you forever. It hurts me that you were gone, but please, can you leave again? I don't want to keep seeing you. It hurts me. It hurts me a lot, knowing you are just a fragment of my own imagination. Please leave."
Jungkook smiled, bowing to her. She saw him walking away and then disappearing into thin air. She crossed her arms as if she wanted her arms to be wrapped around her. Tears flowed out of her eyes. Her heart ached. Her ribs breaking. She whispered, looking at the empty parking lot,
"Farewell, my twin."
She started walking back. Head heavy, as if everything around her was blurred out. She had to get back to the car before Taehyung. She didn't want to worry him more. When she ran, she had no clue how far away from the car she came. Now that she was walking back, it felt like miles.
Her feet stumbled into an abrubt stop as she heard him. Yelling, at someone,
She tried looking carefully. Sierra found his silhouette, and another one. Her world stopped as she saw that dreadful bastard from the arcade. She wanted to hear more. But the man saw her. From the corner of his eyes, he saw her and smiled. Just how a predator does to his prey. Puke riding up her throat. She scattered away, like a tiny churchmouse would. She ran towards their car, falling down on her knees as soon as she got close to it, gasping for air. She felt as if something was stuck at the back of her throat. Sierra tried coughing it out, but it didn't work. She felt as if she'd pass out any moment. She slowly, climbed back into the passenger seat of the car, hugging her knees close to her chest. Wishing only for peace.

The breeze was gentle and calm. Her hair flowing with the wind. She felt warm, under the golden sun. The park wasn't that crowdy. Considering the timing was a bit off. But again, it was wonderful. Taehyung smiled, peeling the gimbap for her. He patted her head,
"Bon appetite, M'lady."
She smiled, taking a tiny bite from the gimbap. Even she didn't want to eat it, but, she has to stay alive, right? She is bothering Taehyung enough. Taehyung smiled, taking out the tiny antiseptic wipe. He gently nursed her bruised knees and topped it with a band-aid. He ruffled her hair, adoratively explaining,
"My Juliette, I'm sorry for hiding it. That guy was here just to threaten us and scare us... And... And I didn't think... I mean... I didn't want to bother you. You have already been through enough... I'm sorry..."
She smiled, as tiredly as can. She was hollow almost. Sierra cupped his face in her palms, gently booping his nose. She smiled,
"Hwangjanim. My Romeo-nim. I won't leave you, I promise. So don't worry about me that much. I'll be always with you. So don't hide anything. Nothing at all. I may look like a glass bead, but trust me when I say I'm not fragile. I brought you in this mess, didn't I? I will save you. I will not leave you. Ever. Trust me, my love."

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