74: No way, it's collapsing again

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Taehyung tapped the steering wheel. What was taking them so long? The horror dawning on his face. The horror in shades of red and blue. The sirens wailed. As deafening as possible. He frantically looked around. A bead of sweat dripping down his neck. He felt his heart clench. He wanted to rush out of the car. But his eyes caught Yoongi and Jennie pulling a sobbing Jisoo to his car. With a bitterness at the back of his throat. He knew he had to drive.

Sierra's heels clanked. It was unpleasant for the ears. Jungkook had her hands entwined in his. Tears in his eyes. He could hear his own heartbeat. Lisa knew what the twins were feeling. Even she couldn't help but panic.
Sierra doesn't remember a thing. It was all blurry. She only remembers getting a call. She remembers hearing tears in Taehyubgs voice. She remembers learning the events. And then she was in Jungkook's car. Lisa had her arms around Sierra, trying to calm her down. Jungkook's shakey hand on the steering wheel. And now. Now she was here. In front of the local police station. Her nails dug into Jungkook's palms. His eyes met her's. He gave her slight tug, assuring her, whatever it maybe they are together in this.
Lisa gulped down the bitter saliva. The subtle buzz in her brain. She patted Sierra's back, whispering,
"Si, you need to stay calm. We need to solve the issue now. We are in this together Si."
The three 97 liners walked inside the police station. Their eyes romaed around the squeaky clean place. Desks after desks. Sierra gasped, her eyes meeting a painful silhouette. Wide shoulders, fluffy brown hair, a gray suit. She breathily murmured,
"Kim Seok-Jin!"
And there he was, with guilt in his heart. He had soft tears in his eyes. Tears carved out of wax. He gulped down his guilt and cleared his throat,
"Yes. I testify that it was Kim Namjoon."
"Ma'am, be quiet. This is a police station. Maintain decorum please."
She didn't hear the officer's warning. Nor did she felt Jungkook's arms restraining her. All she felt was warm tears. Warm tears down her cheeks. She felt hollow and only knew yelling could make her feel humane.
No one saw the moistness in Seok-Jin's eyes. Not even Jungkook or Lisa. Sierra was too occupied with her own. It wasn't as if Seok-Jin didn't feel guilty. It was killing him inside. His insides were turning black. But, did he have a choice? Did he do it for himself? He could think nothing. Nothing but the phonecall between him and Namjoon.

The cold air was slowly freezing him. But he couldn't careless. He knew he failed. He failed to stop Ji-Yoon. Ji-Yoon wasn't after money, after all. She was just being fueled by ego and rage. As if she had a grudge against Namjoon. The air hitting his dreamy eyes. As if bullets or arrows. His phone rang again. He flinched. Thinking it was Ji-Yoon. But to his surprise it was Jennie. He felt the ringer go on for three more seconds. An inner conflict between his heart and mind. Should he say it? But if he does, they'll panic over nothing. They may think that the cops are on them. But, isn't it better to be safe than sorry? His eyes closing for a moment, taking in a deep breath, he answered,
"Hyung, you know it's me right? Your Namjoon-ie. We fucked up."
Kim Namjoon's deep, hoarsy voice and the bitter chuckle. SeokJin could sense that probably he was in tears. Namjoon continued,
"Yeah, we fucked up. Kim Ji-Yoon is after us. She wants us both in jail and as far as Sierra heard, if you don't cooperate with her, she'll harm you too. Hyung, you are finally rising to the top. You are reaching your dreams. And Jisoo... Jisoo deserves nothing but happiness. She deserves so much better. You guys deserve to stay happy. I... I have a plan, Hyung."

Lisa had her arms around Sierra. She kept burrowing her face, bawling. Lisa tried to calm her down, like before.
The parking lot was fairly empty. Jungkook was still inside. Trying to deny the claims. But they had two witnesses, and a criminal who confessed. Lisa's phone vibrated inside her pocket. Still with one arm wrapped around Sierra, she gently took out her phone. Her finger swiped on the ringer. Taking it to her ears,
"Yeah, Unnie?"
"How are things over there?"
Lisa scoffed at Jennie's word. She had picked some Busan accent from Jungkook. The sassy dialect riding up her vocals,
"Did you expect it to be good? How are things over THERE with you guys?"
"We slipped some sleeping pills. Unnie was throwing a fit. I will be staying back with Unnie. Taehyung and Yoongi Oppa would be starting now."

Jennie ran her fingers through Jisoo's soft hair. How pale she looked. How lifeless she looked. This wasn't the Kim Jisoo she knew. But can she blame her? Even she, herself, felt as if the world had fallen apart. Her Namjoon Oppa. The one that she helped in French. The one that helped her with literature. Her Jisoo-nnie's sweetheart. Her phone lit up. Displaying her mother's number. She gulped, stepping away from Jisoo. Her call could disturb her Unnie's sleep. She answered, with the least bit of warmth,
"What do you want?"
"Jennie Kim, I want you at home, right now!"
She rolled her eyes, huffing at her mother's word,
"We got a call from the police station on your name. I want you at home. Now."
Her heart thumped. She felt a cold liquid rush to her feet. Soon, she was on her knees, slumped down. Her eyes empty. She felt as if there was a lump in her throat. A lump that didn't let her breathe. Could it be that, her mother found out of Namjoon? And Jisoo? And how he used her phone to confess? She still maintained her posture,
"I have my things now. I'll be late."

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