18: Romeo, Romeo, where thou art thy Romeo

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"Why didn't Taehyung show up? Huh? The play can't go on without a Romeo."
This play couldn't be more problematic. The Juliet looked drained out. The Romeo was nowhere to be seen. This year was a disaster.
The corset was too tight. Tight enough to change her breathing pattern. Jennie Kim. Help your friend.
Her feet taking her to Jennie. She already had a petite waist, why would the art director want her waist to be synched even more? She was visibly uncomfortable. Only Jennie can save her.

"Ain't that the French chick? She's hot."
"Yeah. The foreign blood I guess. Foreigners are always hot."
"She could pass of an idol or model easily."
Sierra shrugged it off. She hears it loads of time. Many people go around asking them if they would be interested in being an idol. Jennie, Jisoo and Sierra for their model like visuals. Jisoo was the typical visual goddess. Jennie and Sierra had an unique beauty of their own. Not a standard one. Lisa, with her amazing physique and visuals was made for the runway indeed, but her skill was dance. Any beat, even the tapping of pencil's and pens. The popling of a bubble. She finds a danceable melody in everyone of them. Lastly Rosé. How can someone not want to scout such a beautifully charming female with such an angelic voice. Perfect high notes. Soothing voice. Model like visuals. A perfection. Never gonna lie, Jennie and Jisoo were equally talented in singing, dancing and performing. Jennie effortlessly rapped even the hardest verses. Her voice stood out a bit. And Jisoo? A perfect combo. Her angelic features and deep voice. She was made for the stage. Sierra on the other hand, was a good dancer indeed. But only she knew that. She left the dancer in France, when she ran away. She still dances sometimes, catching the beat. But mainly, she is focused in her art. So, she maybe is just a pretty face for idol companies. That's why she never responds.

Sierra exclaimed seeing her best friend. Her twin. He lifted her up in a bear hug. Almost taking the breath away from her. The tight corset had already made it hard for her to breathe.
She fell into his arm, coughing. Her face going red. Hands on her chest, trying to catch her breath. The corset was already suffocating her and now the sudden choking. She almost melted in a very confused and worried Jungkook. Jennie panicked, her fingers tripping on the laces of the corset. Jungkook held her, telling her to stay awake. Jungkook patted her back, trying to get her breathing back to normal.
It felt a relief to be finally free. Her natural waist line was 25. It was forcefully shrunk down to 16 inch. Her voice shakey, eyes watered, seeking some assurance in Jungkook. He kept on babbling,
"I'm sorry, Si. I'm really sorry. I never intended to..."
Sierra, embarrassed of how she lost her breath so quickly, decided to act as if everything was back to normal. But couldn't. The embarrassment kept tailing on to her.
"You forgive me right?"
"Why wouldn't I JK? You are my brother. My twin."
"And Lisa's boyfriend."
Seo Hee butted in their conversation. The trio just rolled their eyes. Seo Hee had an habit of keeping track of other people's business.
Of course everyone of their friends knew how close Sierra and Jungkook were. Almost like twins. But sadly the whole campus isn't their friends. And Seo Hee wouldn't think twice before starting a rumour. They'd take any point to sabotage Lisa and Jungkook. And Jungkook being affectionate with another girl, would just be the waited move for them. They'd bully Jungkook, accusing him of cheating on Lisa. And that very moment everyone would be Lisa's "best friend". They would just torment both of them.
Jennie likes giving it straight to people who deserve it. She put on a straight face. Her resting bitch bitch face. She took a step forwards, crossing her arms. Carefully pronouncing the words in the most threatening tone ever,
"Get out of the room before the count of three..."
"Come on Jen..."
Seo Hee backed off. Jennie's fierce cat eyes burning her down. She awkwardly chuckled as she had nothing better to do.
"Let's be friends, Si?"
Jungkook rolled his eyes. Hands tucked inside his pockets, taking a long stance so that he can reach Jennie's level,
"Come on! Stop being such a bitch you guys!"
"Th-three. Now get out of the room while you can. You don't wanna be getting on our very last nerves."
Sierra shivered a bit. Gulping down the thoughts of hurting someone. Taking a stance forward. On the same level as Jungkook and Jennie. His voice playing inside her head.

"Instead be the hero."

As if a fluid running down her spine. Forcing her to straighten her posture. Looking straight into Han Seo Hee's eyes. A confident smirk on her beautiful plump lips. Hands on her waist. Eyebrow cocked up.
Han Seo Hee, groaned. Her face going purple with anger. How dare they? The disrespect! She stormed away, furiously slamming the door. What a glorious price they'll have to lay down on her feet for this!

"You know Jungkook and Lisa are dating!"
"That's old news dude. Han Seo Hee saw Jungkook making out with Sierra today."
"Really? You're bluffing right?"
"No! I swear on my life!"
"Wanna go check that slut out? Pretending to be Lisa's best friend and then snatching her man."
"Poor Lisa."
Taehyung froze for a moment. Dropping his pen. Throwing back his hoodie. Sierra can't go through this. She already is going through enough. Parents, work, some racist freaks, money, studies, art. She already has plenty on her plate.
His feet running towards her locker. Not caring about his pledge. Pledge of laying low. Undercover. Carelessly running. His fluffy hair flowing. Girls couldn't help but stare. Is he an angel of some sort?
Falling down on the ground, as his well built body clashed with another female. The girl stumbled down. Papers flowing around. It would take her so long to rearrange the papers as neatly as before. But she couldn't care less.
His handsome reflection in her eyes. For a moment, she forgot to even move. Just staring at his handsome face. He smiled apologetically,
"Sorry. I just am in a hurry. I'm really sorry."
His long hands messily picked up the bunches of paper and handed it to her. Before setting off again. Running. Sierra, won't you be okay?

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