89: Feeling alone in this dark night

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Jennie toyed with her fingers. It was kilking Yoongi how lifeless she looked. He whimpered,
"Kim, please."
"What Min Yoongi-ssi?"
Yoongi felt as if his soul poured out of his eyes. He bit his lower lip, sniffling,
"Kim, I can't take going back to nothing again. Please. Trust me."
"Tell me how to. Tell me how to trust you again Min Yoongi. You don't know how it felt when I saw you with Lee Ji-eun-ssi. I don't know why, but I felt torn and burnt. I know, what you said is the truth. I... I can't trust you yet!"
Jennie sobbed, hiding her small face in her palms. Yoongi threw his hed back, silently sobbing. He can't live without Jennie's love. Jennie scratched his collars, slightly jerking him,
"Min Yoongi-ssi, do something. Do something so that I feel I am loved again. Do anything. Assure me for fuck's sake!"
He held her fists with his huge palms. He leaned in, whispering,
"I'll carve my heart out and place it on your feet. Just ask for it Jennie Kim."
She sobbed even louder. Her heart clenching. She has already seen too much blood. She yelled even louder,
"No! Something even more than that! This wouldn't work! Anyone could die for me! Do something more Min Yoongi!"
"Then let me take you away from here Jennie Kim. Somewhere really far."

Sierra finger combed Taehyung's soft hair. She kissed the top of his head,
"Taehyung, I'm sorry."
He gently guided her towards hi lap. Burrowing his face in the crook of her neck. He nuzzled,
"Why, my Juliette?"
"I got you into this. You were so happy back then. You didn't have so much worry about. You would stay the same. I'm sorry Romeo-nim."
He pecked her cheeks and nose and forehead and every corner that he could. He gently patted her, assuring her,
"Love, you brought me to another world. You guided me to the light. You know, after Seo-Jun Hyung, my other Hyungs were here for me. But still, at the end of the day nothing felt right. With my lovely little sister hating me to the point of losing her sanity, and something kept me going to the same path too. And then. Then I stumbled upon you. And suddenly, everything that existed started being interesting to me. There were colours and music and love. I felt butterflies every now and then. I started getting back on schedule, and speaking more politely. I started eating and drinking water and waking up. As if I was alive again. Now... I know it's hard now. But, my Juliett, it will be okay again. Just hold on with me. A bit more. Everything would be alright again. I'll marry you away and we'll have kids. I'll give them their korean names and you'll choose the english one. We'd bake them cakes and read the bed time stories. And most importantly, we'll be together my Juliette. Just stay with me."

Hoseok helped his mother with washing the dishes. His mother smiled, tightening his apron,
"You don't have to do this my sunshine. Have a rest. I'll cook you meat tonight my son."
He cooed,
"It's alright Eomma. I'm just killing time. You know, how these days have been to me. The world is so harsh now. Namjoonie, Jiminie, Rosie, Soo-ya. Eomma, I'll break down if I think of them."
Hoseok's mother finger combed his bangs away. Kissing his forehead. She knows how harsh times her boys are going through. She cupped his face in her palms,
"Hoseok-ah, it's alright to reminisce. But don't just stay stuck at one place."

Jungkook strummed his guitar aimlessly. His head felt heavier and tongue felt bitter. He was having some terrible nightmares keeping him awake. He dreamed of a tunnel. A very dark tunnel with a blinding on the other end. Arguments. And a shriek scream from Lisa's voice. That's all he sees. Every night. Even sleeping pills don't help him.
His phone rang. Once and twice and thrice. He rolled his eyes huffing. Couldn't the caller take a hint? If he didn't pick up the call it's solely because he doesn't want to. He turned the phone off, tears glistening in his doe eyes. He sarcastically scoffed, bitter hoarseness in his voice,
"Lalisa, why is it that even in my dreams, I see you arguing? Why is it that after every night, I grow anxious of how you screamed my name. Why do I care if you sounded scared? Isn't that Yoon-o's part to do? Why is it that it still stubs me? I don't want to remember you at every moment of my day. I try running away but everything tells me of you. Every road leads to you. But you aren't the one for me. You can't be the one. Yoon-o could keep you happy. Yoon-o believes that you are the one. I can't let him go through this pain. He isn't prepared for it. He hasn't seen his closest pals die and suffer. He hasn't been through all that I've. So, treasure him, save him, shelter him. Let me bask away and merge into the sea foam. Let me drink my own poison and die from a terrible heartbreak. Let me suffer. I have gone through several slashes, another wouldn't hurt. I have seen too many deaths, my own would be rather peaceful, I believe. It will save me from this anxious, bitter pain. No one cares. Atleast, that would be my last act of service to you. Priya, we were too wrong for each other. Starting as a bet, falling in love and the fighting for no reason. We never loved each other, never. We just had no one but us back then. You didn't love me enough to stay, I didn't love you enough to ask you to stay. And I know, redoing everything would change nothing. So, just let me breathe, let me leave Lalisa. Let me fall out of love. Please. I don't need your pity. Not now. "

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