15: I must be a fool who can't be helped

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A ball of saliva ran down Namjoon's vocal cords. Jisoo was no less than a goddess. A goddess that would never fall for him. But today something was off.
Jisoo looked tired. Her smile drooping till it's gone. Large and beautiful eyes tired and begging for some sleep. Gorgeous purple hair frizzy. As if not been brushed. Dress crumpled, not wearing earrings or any jewellery at all.
Jisoo got startled by his deep voice. She didn't want to see him. Not right now. She wasn't looking her best right now. And going pike this in front of him was going to be a disastrous idea. She wanted to leave a great imprint of herself inside his heart everytime.
"Oh, hi Namjoon-ssi."
Jisoo tried to awkwardly laugh it off. Something about that smile picked on him. Was she awkward because of him?
"Wrong time?"
"A bit, but I needed someone beside me."
Namjoon bit the insides of his cheeks. He just didn't wanna be someone. He just doesn't wanna be just her necessity. He hates the idea of being Jisoo's just someone. Still, Jisoo needed him.

"Sierra, don't go that hard on yourself darling."
Lisa's mom always welcomed Sierra like another daughter. Poor thing. How could she not? After all, she was completely distressed. Ran away at 15, a really assertive mother, a father who didn't care much.
Sierra felt warmer, as Lisa's mom side hugged her. A warm, delicious aroma flying out of the kitchen. If this isn't home, what is?
"Si? Let's head to our room. Come on."
Lisa knew what exactly Sierra wanted. Love. A heaetfelt conversation. A hug to top it all off.
Lisa had her hands on Sierra's waist. She had noticed how fragile Soerra looked. As if about to snap into two halves any moment.
Guiding Sierra into her room. Turning around to close the door. Preparing herself to see her friend cry without crying with her as well. Honestly, she should have gone to Jisoo or Jennie's. But she chose her instead. Why? Must be something special.
Lisa had to hold onto thw table for support. Sierra had already started sobbing, again. Holding onto Lisa as if her dear life depended on it. Lisa held onto her waist, snuggling her closer. Placing her chin on her shoulder. They had almost the same measurements. Same height, same shoulders. Her long palms rubbed Sierra's back, who was occasionally shivering in between.
"Sierra, tell me when you feel like it. Till then I won't leave you."
"Mére came today during rehearsals. I'm dead to them from today onwards."

"Meet my daughter, Jennie."
Jennie felt awkward. Pairs of eyes looking her up and down. Besides, the dress? It was good. But just not her taste. A little black dress. Got nothing against it. Just she didn't want to attract all eyes on herself. Just stay hidden and low.
A rather glam party. Very bougee. More like boozey. If this is what the older generation thinks that kids from this generation want, that's a serious issue then. Birthday boy must have been going through a whole different level of culture shock when his parents thought out this plan to hold him a nice party he would like. He is either a womanizer who reaks of alcohol or his parents didn't know him enough and devided to throw a party that would serve two purposes. Purpose one, as shown in movies this generation loves alcohol and clubs so maybe their son does to. Purpose two, the club provides two spaces. One a really neon and party-ish space to be. Two, a sophisticated space with well furnished staff and decoration, that serves only high quality wine and Champagne and play soft music.
Jennie knows her parents and people like them. Always thinking about business and only business. So the second reason applues more. Poor birthday boy.
"A virgin Sangria, please."
Jennie sat on the stool. The bartender showing off tricks. Sh eknew no one here. The hosts only invited people they are close to and need for business. Number one guests were the Kim. They had quite the influence and besides how could a Kim not invite the other?
"I expected you here Kim."
Of course the Min family would be here. The mysterious Mins. Not one party did they visit before this. No one knows who they are. No one except Jennie.
"Now's not the time Min."
"Have you ever considered the fact that you can smile sometimes?"
"Sorry, that's a privilege only people close to me can enjoy."
"Lucky them, Kim. Lucky them. Where's Mommy Kim and Daddy Kim? Thought they were really protective of their little princess Kim."
Jennie chuckled bitterly. That's all she could do. She isn't in the mood for alcohol. She gets drunk easily. And her parents wouldn't bother to look for her. They would be fighting or working on business. Like always.
Yoongi, saw the humidity reflecting on her big, sharp cat eyes. He pulled stool, sitting beside her. She was the only one he could see at the moment.
"So they are like mine's as well, huh? Sorry to hear that."
"No. Your parents are super tight with. You guys are happy."
"Now. We are super happy now. They treated me like pure trash till I helped them on a deal. And then another, and one after that. Till I took the company to the top. They only care about business, trust me. I know what you are going through. My parents are the same too."
"No. Your parents aren't the same as mine. Your parents don't fight... Because... Because of a company overtaking them. You are the problem Min Yoongi. You are why I'm this miserable. I hate you. I fucking hate you!"
Jennie's heels clanked away. Her silhouette merging away in the neon lights. Yoongi could do nothing but see her walk away. He was only a punchbag. Wasn't he? A punchbag filled with hatred. But if that's what calms her, why not then? Min Yoongi would always be Jennie Kim's punchbag. If that's what calms her down. He'd push her till she vents. She should let go of feelings that kills one inside. He'd be that for Jennie. Jennie deserves beautiful things.

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