53: A love for everyone

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Jungkook dragged in a bawling Jimin with him to the hospital. He just couldn't let Jimin cry alone. He lost one soulmate, the poor boy can't lose another. Jungkook felt his heart twist, everytime he thought about it, but again it is what it is.
Although, Jisoo, Lisa and Jennie told them that Taehyung was out of danger, they themselves saw it with their own eyes. But when Yoongi texted and told them about Sierra, they just couldn't stay back.
Namjoon, who had been there twice that day, was also rushing there. Hoseok already was picking up some food. He knows Sierra. Sierra perhaps didn't have a proper meal. Jin was driving these two. Thank goodness he was a decent driver, even under stress. Unlike Jungkook. Who almost gave Jimin a heart attack with his rash driving skills. You can't possibly blame the guy. His bestest ever friend, who apparently means the life to his other best friend who he considers nothing elss than his own twin was stabbed and now his twin is overstressing herself to almost the point that she looks like a Banshee. You can't possibly ask the guy to drive decently when so many things go inside his head. Can you now?
The group of six, with food, beverages and blankets in their hands, entered to only witness their younger sister asleep on Yoongi's shoulder. He mouthed,
"I'll kill you if anyone of you wake her up."

Sierra had class in half an hour. It would be a crime not giving her a lift. SeokJin smoothly moved his palm on the steering wheel. His eyes on the road. Looking for one specific thing.
Sierra was only half awake. As if the world was going on and on. Almost as if she was hungover. She kept chanting her schedule under her breath. Between school and 3 jobs, she needs to stay with Taehyung.
It took her a couple of seconds to figure out that Jin stopped at a convenience store. But she couldn't move an inch as if. She felt powerless and tired. Her neck felt stiff. She just wanted to go to bed so bad.
Jin came out with bimbimbap, triangle kimbap and coffee. He gently placed it on Sierra's lap, while he put on his seat belt. Sierra didn't know how hungry she was till now. As if she could gobble every bit of it. But still, to be polite, she said,
"Oppa, you didn't have to..."
"What do you mean I didn't have to? Of course I had to! You didn't have dinner yesterday, and it's 10 am for heaven's sake. You'd end up falling ill. We have to take care of you. Not for Taehyung's sake, but because we gladly are your guardian angels. We need to make sure that you stay alive and healthy. Get that, lil one?"
"Thank you Oppa."
His phone flashing the google maps. His long fingers swiping from the maps towards the call option. And in a moment he was ringing someone up.
Sierra just had a bite out of her kimbap, when she heard the caller being connected,
"Good day, Master SeokJin. How may I help you? Is there something wrong?"
Sierra wanted to shout, but all that came out was a hiccup. She tried gulping the kimbap stuck at the back of her throat. Jin passed her the water bottle as he simultaneously answered the caller,
"Yes. I'd like to tell you that the French girl with blue highlights that works as your server, Sierra would be taking this week off, and not a single penny would be off of her paycheck. She'll get her full pay."
"But sir, we just can't do that for no reason."
"I can. And I am telling you to do that."
"But she is an employee under me!"
"Do you mean to say that you are different, Mr? You are an employee as well. Now, as I said, Sierra wouldn't be attending her job for a week. And you know what, next month onwards, she'll be quitting."
Sierra shrieked, clawing SeokJin's hands. But SeokJin had cut the call till then. He patted her head, laughing his signature laugh. The veins at the back of her neck popping out as well as her eyes,
"Oppa! Have you lost it? Yah! Oppa-ya! Where will I find another job now?"
Sierra felt helpless. She felt her eyes grow heavy. She felt her lower lip shaking. She kept blinking vigorously and shifting her gaze every other second.
SeokJin smiled, stopping his car beside the road. He slowly leaned in, trying to look into Sierra's eyes. The way you usually do with kids. Sierra diverted her eyes away. Pouting, hands crossed. The way usually kids do. He ruffled her hair, handing her an envelope,
"Ra, you remember applying for a job in my father's company, right? I'm taking over the company next month. And I want a sincere dongsaeng to take care of me throughout my day. So, starting from next month, I am going to steal you away from Taehyung. Lil sissy."

Jennie and Jisoo were okay-ish, when it came to cooking. It was always Sierra and...Rosé. Jennie smiled faintly. They will forever treasure her, won't they?
Lisa was good at braiding. Her mother had taught her. A haze in her smile. Her mother and father. Were far far far away. She went on braiding, perhaps they were in a better place.
Jisoo was finally happy, again. She was finally with the guy she loves. A gentleman that knows how to treat her right. A lover who sees the world in her. And she'll never ever let grief touch her. Never again.
Sierra felt as if something pushed her restart button. She felt her eyes had gotten lighter. Her neck and arms and muscles didn't ache anymore. She felt as if she could syand up straight if she wanted to. She felt her mind was now focusing on things. She knew her eyes were looking at a certain spot, rather than zoning out.
Lisa followed her eyes. After all, after Rosé, Sierra was her same age mate. She leaned in, pressing her chin at the crook of Sierra's neck. Both looking at the same point. Pictures of Taehyung. Handpainted. Acrylics, watercolours, sketches, everything. Some shots of Taehyung's side profile, some shots of his cutesy smile. In some of them, it's his full body. Some just has his back. In some he is serious, in some he is a work of her fiction and in some it's just Kim Taehyung. Fluffy, cutesy, Kim Taehyung. And it was the biggest proof that she was in love with her muse. Lisa whispered,
"Ra, you know what your collection is missing?"
"What Li?"
"Some couple photos."

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