27: Trapped in the Magic

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She was an angel. But were angels supposed to get drunk? That too this drunk? And that smirk at the corner of Seok-Jin's bratz doll lips. What does he think of Namjoon as? An idiot? Of course this was his Jin Hyung playing the cupid for him. Not only Jin, but all the others. Even Jennie. The protective bestie.
"Ya'know, Namjoon-ah... We got some dumb ass friends, ya'know?"
Jisoo slurred and lisped a bit. Making her voice sound way more attractive. Focus Namjoon. You need to make sure she gets home safely. But where is her home? How can he walk along without knowing where to go?
His long hands on her petite waist. Was it the alcohol or blush on his face? He doesn't know.
Sitting down by a lamppost. He placed his coat on her lap. Still holding her, as she apparently was quite drunk. Pro tip, never leave a 4D, doesn't matter drunk or not, unattended. He slowly played with his fingers, his voice low and soft,
"Why you say that, Jisoo-ssi?"
"Cause...these crazy bastards are.... They are... You know... trying so hard to set us up! As if a... Um... Ah... miracle would happen between us. Yeah... Us... Fucking miracles don't exist, Namjoon-ah! There's nothing magical. My life's shit. Why the fuck would you even like me? You are THE KIM NAMJOON. You are the one with peace. You-you like pigeons. You are an adorable dork. You are the best leader. You know. I never wanted to... I still don't want to. But you know why I'm this much of a fucking wreck? Because of a stupid game. At a stupid arcade. Ya'know. I didn't even want to play it. And now, my life keeps on changing in front of my eyes. My life was just like Jin Oppa's. But now, I live in a dirthole, gave up my dreamrole, have no one to talk to, blame my friends and distance myself from them and have to compete against... You. You, Kim Namjoon. Everything changes but inside I'm still Kim Jisoo. I don't want anything to change. Yet I can't hold back. All this because of a game. I hate everyone Namjoon-ah. Everyone..."
She paused, chuckling. Her blurry eyes went towards Namjoon's dragon eyes. Giddily, cupping his face in her small palms. Speaking in pure pout,
"Everyone except you. I may hate the whole world and even myself, but I can never hate you. You know, I hate that I can't make you mine. I blame it on my girls, but again, they are fighting the same battle as well. Namjoon-ah, I really wanna lean on you, tell you everything. But I'm afraid you'll change afterwards. How do you expect me to confess after knowing that I am a bloody chameleon. Tonight I got a tattoo. Who knows? Maybe tomorrow I'll get something that you dislike. Making you hate me. I hate myself Namjoon-ah. I hate my girls."
"Please Jisoo-ssi..."
"Yah! Don't call me that. That name is a curse. I am a curse. I'm such a loser. You don't know Namjoon-ah. I just am of no use. My Oppa is in the military, Unnie's working her ass off in her job. And look at me, a bloody chameleon. Wish I would never be born. Ya'know, that feeling?"

Thank God, Yoongi knew how to drive any and every vehicle. Thank God, Jennie knew how to calm down Jisoo. Thank God, Seokjin knew his cousin's address.
Jennie had her Unnie in her tiny arms. Was she asleep or just passed out? No one knows. They are occasional drinkers. They try not to cross the limit. But again, who can say no to Jisoo Turtle Rabbit Kim?
Namjoon scratched his brows, awkwardly enough. He had to call Jennie, who brought along Yoongi, who brought along Jin. All because how his heart wasn't letting him focus on taking Jisoo home.

"Unnie blurted out everything, didn't she?"
Namjoon was baffled a bit. Of course Jennie knew her Chu to the core. He scrat hed his forehead, eyes low,
"She did. Just some bits here and there. She mentioned change and a game."
"Are you sure you want to know it from me Oppa?"
Namjoon sighed. It would have been far better if Jisoo told him on her own. He had nothing against waiting, but Kim Jisoo, was a different breed. She had a thing for locking her feelings and struggles in. And every object stays at rest until force is appliead to it. To know, would be that force.
"Jisoo-ssi won't tell me otherwise."
"Shouldn't you wait?"
Jennie crossed her arms. Her sharp gaze tearing him apart with nervousness. Leaning back a bit. Easing her posture. She loved a good cat and mouse when she was the cat.
"Yah! Don't scare him Kim. He's already panicked about Jisoo."
Jennie giggled, breaking out of character. Yoongi chuckled, slowly walking towards his Kim. Snaking his arms around Jennie's shoulders. He loved her warmth. Jennie, her tone softer and sweeter than a cotton candy, giggled playfully at her flustered Namjoon Oppa,
"You really thought I'd be that cold? Huh! Jisoo loves you, you love her. And if you want help, I will help. So Oppa, which part do you wanna know?"

Eyes wide like a puppy. Fluffy like a teddy bear. Super huggable. Sierra giggled, messing his hair. A drunk swarm of butterflies clashing against each other inside her stomach. That damn warm fuzzy feeling!
"Yeah, My Lady?"
She burrowed her chin on her knees. Eyes feeling a certain humidity on their surface. Sitting on her rooftop. What was with him? Why was he so disgusted with the idea of going back to his family home? Why did he snuggle in Sierra's arms and whisper, "You are my home." everytime she asked?
Sierra sighed. Wish she didn't have these problems of her own. So she could help him out. Listen him out. Why her, of all of them? A tear gliding out of her left eye,
"I became colourblind Taehyung. The worst part is, I'm an artist."
Painting was the reason Sierra was herself. The undying love for art, was one of the crucial reasons she ran away. In her mother's eyes, only art fit for a lady was ballet and music. And now this curse is taking that away from her.
"I'm so sorry..."
"This doesn't worry me, I'll find a way to distinguish between red and green and yellow and blue. But what if, my Unnies end up losing their dreams as well? What if Rosé loses her voice? And Lisa loses her sense of rhythm? Or what if Jennie Unnie loses her taste and creativity and Jisoo Unnie forgets things? All because of me. I ruined it for everyone Taehyung. I am solely to be blamed. It is always going to be on me."

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