45: My dear, we are slow dancing in a burning room

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It felt as if her heart was thawed. As if it had gotten harder to breathe. Tears making their way to her beautiful almond eyes. She terribly wanted to slap Park Jimin with all she had. But again, he was innocent.
It was the magic after all. It was the magic that brought them closer. The first time he walked into the studio and heard her sing, "My heart will go on" to the first time he discovered her ill-fate of becoming a modern dancer. How it was nothing but the magic which made her practice with him everyday as her auditions were closing in. How he was the first one to know about her magic. And now, the magic took another bit of her after, after Alice Park. Park Jimin.
She ran to the small storeroom. Their place. Where they practiced for hours. Where they goofed around and laughed with each other. Where they lied in each other's arms, when their body grew tired to even move a centimeter more. Where they made memories to prove, that even if for once, things felt good.
Her cellphone slipping out of her hands. The melody played on. Tears rushing out of her closed eyes. She needs to practice the dance for her round tomorrow. She needs to make him proud.

It's not a silly little moment
It's not the storm before the calm
This is the deep and dying breath of
This love that we've been working on

She tried not to lose balance. She tried with her everything to be perfect. Her heart was stopping, as if. Her soul had broken down into countless tiny pieces.

Can't seem to hold you like I want to
So I can feel you in my arms
Nobody's gonna come and save you
We pulled too many false alarms

She tried not to think. About the beautiful memories they had. About how he was with her when she needed him the most. The hugs, cuddles, kisses and cute dates. The tears, frustration, anxiety and the pain he helped her through.

We're going down
And you can see it too
We're going down
And you know that we're doomed
My dear
We're slow dancing in a burning room

She tried not to howl. How he doesn't remember anything. How he won't ever remember anything. The first times they had with each other. The string between their hearts. The dance, the lessons, the love. She tried her best not to howl.

I was the one you always dreamed of
You were the one I tried to draw
How dare you say it's nothing to me?
Baby, you're the only light I ever saw

She tried not to go insane. But the pain of her heart slowly breaking down was driving her towards insanity. How he won't remember her food orders, favourite songs, her contact number. How he won't remember her anymore.

I'll make the most of all the sadness
You'll be a bitch because you can
You try to hit me just to hurt me
So you leave me feeling dirty
'Cause you can't understand

She tried to pick herself up. This fucking curse. How it sabotaged them into a moment's happiness. Turning that moment's happiness into their life's biggest pleasure. And then burning it down to ashes. Leaving them with nothing but a void. A void of pain and longing and darkness.

We're going down
And you can see it too
We're going down
And you know that we're doomed
My dear
We're slow dancing in a burning room

She tumbled down on her knees. Blood oozing out of her pale knees. Eyes still shut close. Tears leaving a patch from her eyes, down her cheeks and her throat and beyond. Her lips shivering, her nose red. Her lips moving, as a faint nasally voice wrapped in tears spat out of her delicate throat,

"Go cry about it, why don't you?

Go cry about it, why don't you?

Go cry about it, why don't you?

My dear, we're slow dancing in a burning room

Burning room

Burning room"

Breaking down into howls. Hiding her face between her palms. Park Jimin was her sanity. Her necessity. Her happy pill. Her feet curled up, her chest abrubtly going up and down. Ghosts of their happiness hitting her up from every direction. And the song went on in the background faintly,

Don't you think we oughta know by now?
Don't you think we should have learned somehow?
Dont you think we oughta know by now?
Dont you think we should have learned somehow?
Don't you think we oughta know by now?
Don't you think we should have learned somehow?

She struggled up to her feet. Her face scrunched up in pain. But it didn't matter. It was nothing comapred to what was going on inside her.
Her hands rummaged around for everything they had left behind. A dried rose. Her pointe shoes. His waterbottle. As if a thief, stealing everything they can. Rosé was stealing away her past.
Her swollen eyes fell on the mirror beside her. Nothing but a silhouette. A miserable silhoutte. A cursed silhouette. Hunched down, sorting through what others may call trash. But to her this were the last things that witnessed Park Jimin and Park Chaeyoung go from strangers to friends to lovers to strangers all over again.

Hoseok had a keen eye. It helped him point out the slightest mistakes in choreographies. Also, it helped him figure out the slightest change in his friends.
Jimin had a dreaminess in his eyes. Not the good kind. As if he wasn't here, in the studio. As if he was in a land far far far away. Something misty. Something like a veil between his soul and the world.
Hoseok smiled, taking a place next to Jimin. His back against the mirror. Throwing his head back, resting it on the reflective surface,
"Jimin-ah, you seem stressed."
Hoseok thought the daydream of Jimin would be rather strong to snap out of. But he saw it slowly fading out of his gorgoues eyes, with his words.
Jimin, shrugged a bit. Should he? Should he not? It's just one girl. Besides, it's Hobi. The literal sunshine. His register low and breaking somewhat. Trapped in a tug of war. He gathered up all he got,
"Hyung, can I ask you something?"

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