86: How long have you been crying?

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The world came to an abrubt stop for them. Sierra was in middle of painting. Taehyung was at his work. Jungkook was in Busan. Kim Seok-Jin was in the middle of a meeting overseas and Jennie was tutoring Lisa. Yoongi was with Hoseok for the past few days. And all they knew was their world stopped as soon as they heard the news. And now they were at the morgue. Once again.
It was raining. It was blue and grey. It was cold and melancholy. It was the perfect day for mourning. Sierra was wearing a black t-shirt, with splashes of paint on it and big bold letters saying, "EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT". She muffled her howls behind her fist. Her dark hair in a messy bun with only the blue highlights visible. Taehyung still had his beige coat with him, but he hung it by his arm, only showing his black shirt. As if paying the homage to his dearest Hyung. Namjoon-ie Hyung. He felt too broken. Lisa and Jennie were in their school uniforms. Blazers, skirts, ties, blouses, stockings. They were by Sierra's, they were just like Sierra. Yoongi and Hoseok were the first ones to be here. Caps and hats, t-shirts and skinny jeans. All in black. Only tears standing out on their pale face. Jin was on his flight from Argentina to Korea. Jungkook was almost there.
It stung their eyes. Their Kim Namjoon was no more. He was for the peace. He was for the pigeons. He deserved so much more. He deserved a life away from cells, with his beloved. He deserved to mess up and make up. He deserved to go around the world, as an connoisseur of all forms of art that exists. He deserved nothing but happiness. He certainly didn't deserve this pain. The pain of sacrificing for the sake of their beloved. The pain of not being able to be by their beloved. The pain that comes on with the revelation that his beloved went away knowing that he was nothing but a tyrant to her heart.
Sierra had thrown an arm around Lisa, nuzzling her face at the crook of her neck like the old times. Lisa held her tighter than ever. A familiar feeling. Basking in each other's tears. They had no words, only tears. Kim Namjoon knows they are sorry, right? He has to know.
Jennie's face had gone all red. She knew Namjoon before the girls did. They were good friends from way back. Her heart kept clenching. Rosé, Jimin, Jisoo and now Namjoon? How many more till her number? How much does she have to wait? She wanted to console Yoongi. But who shall console her? Therefore, she dropped the idea all along. So she stood by herself, drowning in tears. Mind empty, only thinking about her last conversation with her Namjoon Oppa.

"Jennie-ya, keep my Jisoo safe. I have given her enough pain. I couldn't keep her happy. She deserves the whole world. Keep her safe. You will always stay my little sister. So will Sierra and Lisa. And my brothers will forever be my brothers. Tell them to come meet me, I didn't get to bid them goodbye. You guys, won't you visit me? Tell me, Jen. Would you not visit me? Promise me one thing Ni, no matter what you'll not let Jisoo visit me. She doesn't need to see me. It will kill me. Make sure she forgets me Nini, and she moves on. I love her to the ends of the world. And I want her to be happy. Happier than she was with me. And Jen... Give it to her. As a token of my love. So that she never doubts my love. Things are already killing me. But her loss of trust would just be my poison."

Jennie held the ring close to her chest. She was wearing it on a chain ever since Jisoo's demise. She sobbed, clutching the last memoir. Whispering,
"à l'être aimé qu'on ne peut pas assez aimer. pourriez-vous nous pardonner?"

Taehyung and Yoongi decided to deal with it. Using their family's influence, they tried dealing with having both the funerals together. Yoongi couldn't bear looking at Namjoon's body. It made him cry even more. The strong red mark on his neck left Yoongi suffocated. As if something was choking him as another hand hammered down his ribs. He felt he'll snap into two. He scratched up Taehyung's shoulder for support.
Taehyung, however, was acting more mature. Namjoon would've been so proud. Though his face was all red from crying and that his nose was running, he acted more professionally. Asking in his deepest voice,
"Isn't it clear already that it is a suicide? Let us go ahead with the funeral. You already have delayed Kim Jisoo's funeral. We don't have all day."
The man in his early 40s snorked, pushing the glasses up his nose bridge,
"Listen, Kim Jisoo was a murder suspect..."
Yoongi lashed out, yelling. His pale face growing red with each passing second and Hoseok barely held him back. The officer snorted,
"Yah, shut it. And Kim Namjoon was basically a convict. We need to investigate thoroughly."
The officer choked on air. This made Taehyung smirk. He taunted almost,
"Don't be shy. Name your amount."
"You can't buy me off with anything, you punks. Got it?"
"500,000? 600,000?"
"You brats! You think money can buy anything..."
"1 million?"
The officers gulped down the act he was putting up. Lowering his voice, he asked for his junior,
"Let these boys take the bodies."
Taehyung smirked, signing off a check of 500,000. Yoongi gave the rest. Taehyung threw the check at the officer, soeaking in the thickest, sassiest Daegu dialect,
"When a dog barks, we give it a bone to eat."
Yoongi snorked, through his tears a smile popped. He hated how the world had turned into. Not just them but the whole world was doomed.

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