13: If not for love, tell me why we meet?

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"Kim Taehyung, you are late again."
Mrs. Shin frowned. Why did this rowdy rulebreaker had to be born with the pure gift of acting? He just was perfect for Romeo.
On the otherhand, she didn't like the Juliet much. In no way was she a fair maiden. She doesn't have that kind of beauty. Beauty that pleases the eyes of general public. She was a foreigner after all.
"I have a watch Mrs. Shin. I know I'm late."
"If you had a watch, why couldn't you come at the right time then?"
"Maybe because I don't want to? Listen, I got other classes as well. I need to pass this semester. I can't fail because I was the Romeo in the school play."
Mrs. Shin's face was a worthy sight to see. Red. As if about to explode any moment now. Taehyung just smirked. He loved to give it to people who deserve it. He saw a girl push her way through the door. Such a wrong timing. Why did you hav eto be here at this time Sierra?
Her graceful bow went unnoticed as the teacher raged towards her,
"Is this a time to be here? Do you know how late you are? Huh! This lazy youth! Can I belittle the youth now? What can I even expect from a half french punk?"
"Stop bringing my ethnicity to everything. Just because I'm half french doesn't mean I am not half Korean. I am just as you are. A human. Stop belittling me for something I can do nothing about! Just let me play my role or kick me out. Don't make me your lab rat that you can just go around venting on. I'm not here to become a punchbag."

"Hey Lisa, good luck. You'll be needing it right?"
"Lisa and luck? Oh please! It's him who needs luck. Lalisa Hwaiting!"
Lisa was once again weirded out. What was the whole school upto? Wishing her good luck.
Jennie came running towards her. Her palms grasping Lisa's bicep. As if clinging to her. Jennie looked so chic in that pink fitted V neck tee and black mini skirt. The black stockings just added to it.
"What have you done?"
"Honestly, I did nothing Unnie."
"Then how do you explain the post about you dating Jungkook?"
"A what now?"
Jennie knew Lisa could be loud. But this loud? Jennie flinched a bit, from the sudden shrillness in the younger one's voice. Could be the magic causing it?

"Ok, the first fourteen lines that Romeo and Juliet exchange make up a sonet. Make sure that you express the young love. Young and pure emotions. The infatuation that grows when you look at each other. The playfulness. Got it?"
A pounding going on and on inside her heart. He was so perfect. A high and slim nose bridge. A perfect face. A strong gaze that keeps trapping Sierra in them.
Taehyung whispered to the terribly nervous girl in front of him. Her eyelids fluttered, honey tan cheeks picking up colour. She looked rather cute,
Taehyung smiled, his cheeks were so round and fluffy. Like a bun. His etes closing adorably. A rather unique smile. One enough to warm Sierra's heart.
His long fingers softly brushing against hers. Tenderly taking it in his control. Her amber eyes followed his features. Until it met his eyes. Those eyes, what was up with them? As if she has seen them thousands of times.
"If I profane with my unworthiest hand
This holy shrine, the gentle sin is this:
My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand
To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss."
His voice. She has heard it many times. In her dreams, in stories. As if infront of her stood Romeo Montague. As if under a spell, her lips parted, in her most sweet and soft voice she spoke,
"Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much,
Which mannerly demotion shows in this,
For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch,
And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss."
Sierra felt a blushing crimson shade rise up to her cheeks. Her shaky hand moving away from his. A smile creeping up her lips. Slowly moving a bit away from him, just as she was instructed. Taehyung smile, what a perfect Juliet Capulet she was.
Taehyung slowly followed her. His breath hitting her long neck. His hand moved forward as his velvet voice made Sierra shiver,
"Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?"
Sierra thought she was about to melt in his embrace. A sudden heat between the two young hearts.
"Ay, pilgrim, lips they must use in prayer."
Her fingers matching on his. Such a difference between them two. His long fingers and her smaller ones. Her eyes stared at how perfect their hands look together,
"O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do.
They pray; grant thou, lest faith turn to despair."
His fingers moving away from hers, slipping through the gaps between each finger. As if their hands were made for each other to be held. Fitting perfectly, like a lock and a key.
He slightly pressed on her hand, tugging her a bit closer. He leaned a bit, her reflection in his eyes as he could see himself in the amber lenses. Both under a spell.
"Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake."
"Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take."
He leaned in. His lips coming closer and closer. A soft force making her shut her eyes and wanting to be touched.
And they were back in the auditorium. Surrounded by groups of people eager for their scene to come up. He was wearing a white shirt and pants, part of the school uniform. She was standing there in her cardigan, white shirt and skirt. Suddenly the Romeo and the Juliet were gone. In front of each other stood Sierra and Taehyung. Way too familiar to be strangers. Way too distant to be acquaintances. Just two souls and two hearts. Just two people who wait for each other.

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