72: Promise me this, I hope you don't change

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The phone rang. Twice. And once more and again. Till he lost count. Seok-Jin sat there, pressing his eyes shut. Words echoing in his ears, but no one was speaking. He felt as if all the lines around him had blurred out. His head was hurting so bad. He stood up at a bolt, taking his coat. He looked pale, he was panting. His quivering voice asked,
Sierra rushed towards her almost older brother. Worry etched all over her face. With her eyebrows up high, anxiousness in her voice, she asked,
"Oppa, are YOU alright? Should I call the doctor for you?"
"N-no... No, I'm... Fine. I will just go out for some fresh air. Take calls and messages for me. Okay?"
He patted her back with a small smile. Looking at her, he felt saddened. She was nothing less than his little sister, Kim Jisoo. He looked away, strutting away. And Sierra just watched him run away, almost.
Sierra toyed with her pen, it's almost been in an hour since Seok-Jin has left. Suspicions arising inside her heart. Would he be alright? It was taking him oddly too long.

Han river was always their place. It was the place for him and his boys. It was the place where he always found himself when he lost his peace. Everytime. Why was the world growing harsher every passing second? Why can't the world be forgiving? If only crimes weren't crimes and there were no devils on their shoulders. If only they were humans who knew nothing about sinning. Would world be a better place?

"Yeoboseoyo, this is Sierra Jeong speaking on behalf of Kim Seok-Jin. He is currently not in his office, would you like to leave a message?"
Sierra's generic response felt like a recorded one. Perfect pronunciation, perfect tone. But her face dropped, hearing the voice on the other line,
"Listen up Punk, you know who this is right? Yeah, you're right. Kim Ji-Yoon. Now, where did Seok-Jin run away to, huh? Coward! If he doesn't show up under the next 15 minutes, he'll be going to the cells with Jisoo and Namjoon, for trying to tamper evidence. Quickly!"
The phone slipped out of her hands. Her eyes going blurry. Her ears were ringing. She broke out into cold sweat. He was on her speed dial,
"Taehyung-ah! We need to save Jisoo Unnie and Namjoon Oppa. Now! D-do whatever, I don't give a fuck. Just save them."

Taehyung practically dragged in a sleeping Yoongi. Jennie couldn't stay behind. Inside, all of them were as anxious as the others. They can't just lose another friend. Their are way too many memories for that. Jennie was hitting the door with her fists, screaming at the top of her lungs,
"Unnie, open the fucking door! Namjoon Oppa, I swear I'll break it down if you don't!"
"Kim, calm down. I have had the keys to his house since ages. Incase he locks himself out."
Yoongi tried to pull away Jennie from the door. They didn't have enough time. Taehyung, stood beside Jennie, side hugging her. Trying to assure her that it will be alright. But he was too invested into panting. Jennie's voice had a bitter crack in it,
"Really? The whole person changed, do you think they'll keep the same lock?"
Yoongi didn't wanna answer that. His heart was beating furiously. Hitting his ribs with every beat. He felt his eyes tingle a bit. With shakey, pale hands, he fished out the copper key. He didn't want to accept the fact that Namjoon may have had changed the key.
A gentle breeeze hitting him. He smiled. A precious gummy smile. His eyes shifted towards Jennie as he twisted the metal doorknob,
"Nothing's changed Kim. Tahnkfully, everything's the same."
Before Jisoo knew a thing, Jennie had her arms wrapped around her. Jennie was shaking, her eyes were going blurry. All she could say was,
"Unnie, we gotta leave."
"What? Where? Why?"
"Jisoo-ya, Ji-Yoon Noona has filed a case against you two. We need to take you guys to somewhere safe."
Taehyung was throwing in the most random things in a bag. Ofcourse he was tensed up. A one second difference could land his two friends in jail.
Namjoon scratched his brow. He still felt a bit awkward. He thought he had lost them forever. But now that they're here, face to face. All he knows is that he is loved. He is as much loved as he loves. He cleared his throat,
"But if we get caught, all of us would be dead. You could've jist called us and told about it."
"We tried, your cell's switched off."
Yoongi had made a mindmap. He knew what to take, where to take. He kept on filling his checklist up. Namjoon quickly fished out his phone. It was with him all along, how could it be switched off. He had his eyebrows raised high, his eyes went round as pearls. His tiny mouth agape,
"No way. My phone... Soo, check yours, too. And Yoongi Hyung, check yours."
Jisoo reached out for her phone. Yoongi had his out all along. Out of three cellphones only one was working. The others? The others had gotten the sim cards terminated.
Yoongi saw darkness grow upon Namjoon's gorgeous face. He chuckled bitterly,
"We're screwed."
Jennie rolled her eyes. Her long fingers wrapped around Jisoo's wrist. She sharply said,
"We know. That's why we're here. Min, not a second more than 5 minutes. Unnie, we need to pack some feminine essentials, don't we? Come on!"
Yoongi threw his arms around Namjoon. His register low and soft,
"Namjoon-ah, I'm sorry. I should have stayed with you more. But things were bitter, you know? Let's promise each other that we would never be this cross on each other in the future. Okay?"
Namjoon couldn't see properly. The tears were too burdensome to keep, too heavy to drop. He threw his arms around Yoongi's tiny figure. Cozying up, his head placed on the crook of Yoongi's pale white neck. He sobbed,
"Hyung, it's all my fault."
Taehyung smiled, his eyes kept on burning. He missed this. He missed his Hyungs. A bitter pain inside his chest. How days were before. Before all this. He threw his arms around the two figures. His voice was wet,
"Hyung, let's again go back to how we used to be."

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