66: I hold on to the withered memories

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Jennie cocked an eyebrow at Taehyung. Her arms crossed against her chest. Of course she was mad. Mad was an understatement. Fuming. Furious. Yeah, that's more like it.
"So, you're saying, we should help Jisoo-ssi and Namjoon-ssi?"
Taehyung knew he missed out on something. Something bitter and sour. Something that happened after he left to seek for Sierra. He gulped, whatever it is, he just can't abandon them. He sheepishly chuckled,
"Yeah, that's what I said, Jennie-ya."
"You weren't there. Namjoon-ssi and Jungkook got into a fist fight for no reason. And Jisoo-ssi she pretended as if we were nothing. We can't just HELP them now."
"We can Jen, you can."
"I don't want to. Period."
Taehyung saw the girls falling apart. Like a sandcastle that got washed up by the waves. He felt something in him cramp down. As if his stomache was churning. He still put up a smile on his lips,
"Alright. Your wish Ni. I'll head out now. Tell Yoongi Hyung I said Hi!"

Sierra felt a drop of cold sweat run down her back. She tried staying unfazed. Chin high up, posture confident.
Jin pulled a smile. A fake one obviously. He was great actor, but not enough to trick Sierra. But Sierra decided to ignore it eitherways. Jin giggled,
"Si, you don't need to call me sajang-nim. Just call me Oppa like you usually do."
"Oppa, are you going to testify against Jisoo-nnie and Namjoon Oppa?"
He awkwardly giggled. Wriggling his eyebrows,
"What do you mean, Sierra? What testimony?"
"Oppa, we all know that Jisoo-nnie killed her mother. But we all have decided to stay silent about it. Even Ji-yoon Unnie was quiet, until this inheritance battle. But look at her now..."
"I've settled the matter. I've offerred her enough money. You don't have to worry about that. Now, Sierra would you please bring the file."
Sierra nodded. Sensing the prominent shift in Seok-Jin's voice. Perhaps, he wasn't comfortable talking about this. She didn't want to push anyone's buttons. Her heels smoothly turned, as well as her whole body. Whatever she did, a hint of elegance followed her. Wouldn't her mother have been proud? Perhaps, she would have. Perhaps Sierra would call once in a while just to hear their voices but never utter a single word. That was her remedy for homesickness. But now she had no family left. No loved ones, but the people here. Therefore, even if it kills her, she would die for the sake of her Oppas and Unnies and friends and her lover, Kim Taehyung. She doesn't care how hurt she is. She will give herself up with a smile for them.
"Sierra, we are trying to save Jisoo and Namjoon. We would give our all. Everyone of us would risk their all just to save Jisoo and Namjoon from anything that may come up. But don't you think we are committing crimes too? Jisoo is a murderer. We are sheltering a monster. We are messing with the truth. We are as guilty as she is. We are as evil as any other rotten person in this world. Don't you think we are doing something terribly wrong by tampering the truth? Hiding a murder?"
She decided not to turn. Her voice went a bit higher than usual. It would be easier for Seok-jin to hear that way,
"Oppa, we indeed are doing something terribly wrong. But you asked my opinion right? And in my opinion, I don't care. All I care about is that everyone that I love better stay safe and happy. I don't care what happens to the world, my loved ones shouldn't have scratch on them. I would make sure of that. Even if it's the worst ever sin devil has made anyone commit. For the sake of you guys, anything. And everything."

Sierra toyed with the kimbap almost. Too lost in her thoughts. Her knees close to her chest. Leaning on the wall. She could've easily had her lunch in the cafeteria if not her cubicle. But this staircase just felt better.
It was quiet and no one would be her to disturb her thoughts. It would be perfect. Perfect to think about where her life is going to take her.
She shook her head, as if that would clear away her thoughts. She unwrapped the kimbap, taking a big bite out of it. The savoury taste was a good enough filling food for the rest of her day. She honestly missed the kimbap Jungkook's mother makes. But this was a good enough substitute.
She threw the plastic wrapper away, dusting her palms off. Still chewing. She should really check up on Mrs. Jeon. She toyed with her phone, dialling Jungkook. After what she's heard about her, it would be a crime to not call Jungkook.
Jungkook squealed from the other side. Sierra chuckled, squealing back,
They both giggled. Extremely on sync. Maybe the effect of having the same birthday, but they were always on sync mostly. Sierra initiated the conversation first,
"Gguk, how you've been doing? Yah, I can't imagine that it's been a week since we last met."
"Yeah Ra, I'm doing A-okay. Feels like an eternity that we haven't seen each other. Wanna grab some chicken later on?"
"I'm packed today, but let's do it over the weekends. What do you say?"
"I'm on board Si."
Sierra chuckled again. Jungkook heard it from the other side if the line. But what Jungkook didn't hear was that Sierra actually took a deep breath in between. Calming herself down before breaking the news to Jungkook. She doesn't know if she has it in her to tell her Ggukie. She doesn't know if she'll take it well or not. She stuttered,
"Gg-uk? There's this something... Something that... I wanted to te-ll you."
"Go on Ra. I'm all ears."
She gulped. How innocent his voice sounded. How cheerful he felt. Her voice lower, as if showering him with all her sympathy,
"Jungkook-ah, you know how I see you as nothing but my brother? You are my twin. You are my family. And there's nothing that I'll hide from you. I'll never try to hurt you, instead I will try my best to save you from anything bad. Jungkook, I'm sorry but..."
An indistinct voice in the background. Cutting Sierra off mid sentence. Sierra figured in a heartbeat, Lisa was there. Lisa was near Jungkook. She could hear Jungkook murmuring,
"Not now, I'm on the line with Sierra."
She heard Lisa groan. It was evident that she was annoyed at Sierra. Or Jungkook talking to Sierra annoyed her. Sierra sighed,
"Gguk, I'll call you up later. The hangout is still on, okay?"

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