8: Why am I the only one like this?

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"Kim Jisoo?"
That's it. Out of all the people in this whole wide world. She had to fall in front of Kim Namjoon. Awkward enough.
Trying to laugh it off. Namjoon cocked his eyebrow up. Jisoo was funny but this was plain awkward. She seemed so sweet and adorable.
She looked so beautiful. Her pale cheeks red with a coy blush. Eyes afraid to focus on his. Her fingers toying wuth the other. A faint awkward laugh itching her throat.
His eyes widened, realising the main agenda. Why everyone was talking about her.
Jisoo heard his husky whisper, before being dragged away from the hallway. His long fingers wrapped around her wrist. Dragging her, yet careful enough not to hurt her. He possibly couldn't hurt her. Hurting her would mean hurting himself.
The library was all empty. He kne wthe time tables. He liked quiet places.
"Kim Jisoo-ssi, your hair... It's purple! Do you know that this will lower your chances or favours from the teachers. Apparently this place is run by some orthodox morons. And dying your hair makes you at stake for not winning. They would all be against you."
He was right in front of her. Towering over her a bit. Jisoo couldn't take her eyes off of him. His handsome face, dragon eyes, messy hair and well built body. Aren't dragon eyes a myth? A beautiful myth that carries the whole universe.
"Yeah, I know."
Jisoo smirked, faking her confidence. Her hands found their way to her waist. Leaning in cheekily. A perfect 4D. A lie always creates room for the other.
"That's why I coloured my hair. So that I don't have to fight against you."
"Why Kim Jisoo?"
She looked in his eyes. Should she? Nah... Maybe just a hint? Yeah a hint would be perfect.
"Because I don't want you as my competitor, Kim Namjoon. Isn't that an open secret?"
Kim Jisoo. The woman you are. As if love had taken form. Namjoon couldn't help but feel small fireworks going off inside his heart by just her one look. What were you doing to his poor little heart?

Walking towards her locker. Her feet felt heavier every second. Was she really turning into the punk her mother hated?
She needed to change things. Fast. She couldn't live with this guilt. It was her fault. She suggested to play the game. Everyday small things changed about them, except for today. Only Jisoo's hair changed and nothing more. But things can't be back to normal. A feeling inside keeps bugging her. A mucusy feeling. A feeling that refuses to leave.
"Hey Sierra."
The trail of thoughts snapped into two halves by the most angelic voice. She smiled seeing the doe eyed boy in front of her. They were friends. Apparently really good friends. They had the same art class. Same interests, hobbies, habbits. They really bonded well and easily. As if twins.
"Hey Jungkook. What's up?"
Jungkook smiled. He was rather fond of the friend he made. He thanked Namjoon for dropping his paints that day. Cause if he didn't, how would they start a conversation.
"Nothing much, you tell me. By the way, your audition turned out great..."
"What audition?"
Sierra felt stiff. A pounding sensation inside her heart. What audition was he talking about? She was the last person to showcase her talents through an audition. She had to cut him off. She just had to. She couldn't hold it back.
He was a bit surprised. Being cut off all of a sudden. That too by Sierra. For him, Sierra seemed like the most polite and sweet person. He had never seen her cut someone off,
"Yeah... The audition for drama club. They are doing Shakespeare again this year. They have handed out the list already. Didn't you know you are this year's lead female?"
"What? No no no! That's Jisoo Unnie's dream role. And I didn't even audition..."
"Yeah. Jungkook, would you mind going to the auditorium with me? I may aswell faint."
"Nope. Not one bit. Lead the way please."

"Lalisa Manoban?"
Lisa was never in good terms with the cheerleading team. It was weird to be called by them.
"You're late?"
"Yeah I am. So if you have something to say, make it quick."
Her hands on her hips, big eyes rolling. Her fingers tapped on her hips, her feet tapped the ground.
"You are kidding right? You are late for CHEERLEADING practice. WITH US. Your team. Rings a bell?"
"My what now!"
Her brows furrowed, lips apart. Her heart was beating out of her ribcage. Was this what the magic has lead them towards?
Sana huffed. Why? How are they supposed to win if the team captain, doesn't cooperate?
"Your team. The cheerleading team of this campus. Gosh Lisa. Pick yourself up and keep it together. We got events ahead."
"Ju-just give me one minute. Okay?"

Unnie, we messed up.
I'm now a cheerleader now.
I hate screaming for boys and being overly sexualised.
I was good with dancing.

I'm doomed as well.
I just found out, I'm in the basketball team.
I can't play a damn thing

My hair colour changed.
It's purple now.
I love it!

You are the only one Unnie.

Such a good kid I raised
What thing did the magic change in you?

Sierra bit her bottom lips. Thin pearls of sweat covering her forehead. Eyes trying to swell up. Guilt breaking her into tiny pieces.
She has seen Jisoo work and rehearse so hard for that one role. The heroine that resembles love. She just wanted that one role. And Sierra just snatched it? But she didn't want to. It just happened.

Unnie, the only thing that changed about me is I hovered your dream role.
I'm sorry. I never wanted that. I'm not even fit for that part. I can't act. I don't know what's going on.
If not for me, it would've been YOU who would be onstage.
You'd so perfect.
I'm sorry Unnie.

Sierra clutched her phone. What if they feel betrayed by her? She already disappointed her parents. She can't afford to disappoint them. Eyes squinted, head falling back. She just can't.

Who's your Romeo then?

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