39: Cause you love me, and I love you

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How did he get here? He was with her. Champagne, chocolates, warm blanket forts and... Sierra.
She was so proud when Taehyung said, he cooked the dinner himself and also bought everything with his first pay. So what it was just ramen? It was still him.
And then a sudden darkness. A churn in his stomach. A churn strong enough to make him throw up. His head spinning as he felt the nerve openings in his brain pop off in the most painful way possible.
Now, as he slowly tried to flutter his gorgeous eyes open. He was in a club. Music blasting louder than his ears could take. Neon lights flashing on and off. He was wearing a silk shirt and jeans. With a couple of accessories dangling on him and his dark raven locks, he was looking ravishing to be honest.
Taehyung turned in an instant. Who even was she? Was she evem calling him? And without a second's hesitation, Park Sooyoung, threw her arms around Kim Taehyung.
Taehyung thought she was too drunk, maybe. Red sequined dress, high heels and a face and physique made by the heavens only. She was perfect to be an actress. But Taehyung only wanted to see Sierra.
Sierra. The name suddenly raised a concern in his heart. Would she be doing alright? He nudged away Park Sooyoung in an instant, bowing 90° degrees,
"Sorry, ma'am. I think you are too drunk, but I am not your boyfriend."
"Yah! Kim Taehyung, have you lost it? Why do you drink when you are such lightweight?"
Joohyun smacked his bicep, chuckling. Taehyung felt helpless. What the fuck was even going on? Yeri giggled,
"Oppa, you are gonna break our Sooyoung-ie's heart. That too on your's 100 day anniversary!"
A thump in his heart. A 100 day anniversary? What was even up? Sooyoung stood there, awkwardly enough, what was up with Taehyung. Did he drink?
"Aish, you are drunk Taehyung-ah."
She awkwardly giggled, slapping his biceps. What was up with Taehyung? Was it stress? Was it the drink? But he doesn't drink. Good thing, her friends don't know.
"E-excuse me, I-I- I don't feel good. I-I-I will just go home. Have a good time."
It took him a minute to say this, but not even a moment later, he was outside, in his Porsche. Speeding towards her. His heart was beating 100 times faster than usual. Would she be okay?

Sierra sat there, numb. Staring straight into her reflection, but she saw nothing but blobs. He was painted all over her mind. She way too distracted to think of anything but him. Hugging her knees, she felt feverish. Did the magic take away him? Forever? He was just there... A few moments ago... He was...

Taehyung checked the pillow fortress again. It has to be perfect. She deserves something perfect. He breathed through his mouth slowly. Jennie and Rosé sighed from the pther side of the call,
"Yah, Oppa-ya. Don't sweat it. Sierra would like it."
Just by hearing her voice, it was evident that Jennie was rolling her eyes. She was trying he rbest not to. But old habits almost never die.
Rosé chuckled, a thick australian accent forcing it's way out of her throat,
"Yeah. Besides, be ready to hear an earful from our tiny grown up, Sierra."
Jennie chuckled, throwing in her New Zealand accent,
"Ah yes, she'd say with a lisp of french accent, 'Yah, Kim Taehyung-ah! This surprise is lovely, but it was your first pay. You should've saved it and used it on something special and more useful.' then you'd cut her off..."
Rosé, without missing a beat, takes it from there, still keeping the english speaking train going on,
"By pulling her closer by her petite waist. Tucking her hair behind her ears, slowly whispering,"
Jennie and her voice overlapping in a chorus, the New Zealand and the Australian accent blending in pretty well as well as their distinctive voices,
"You are the most special thing."
Taehyung chuckled along with the girls giggling. He would do that. He would do that cause that is what it exactly is. Rosé's sweet voice switched back to korean,
"Anyways, she will love it. More importantly she LOVES you. So just be yourself. Okay, Oppa?"
Jennie, following her younger sister's path, switched back to Korean,
"Good luck TaeTae Oppa. Sierra should be there any moment now. Hwaiting!"
Taehyung chuckled before popping the handphone inside hid pocket. His long fingers gliding around his soft lips. Would these be enough? He wants it to be picture perfect.
"I'm home, sugar. How did... Ah!"
Sierra squealed as soon as her tired eyes found the surprise Taehyung had prepared for her. Blanket forts, that looked cozier than anything else. Tiny fairy lights, as if stars on the night sky. She giggled, throwing her arms around Taehyung. Dropping her bag and heels. He smelled of comfort... And warmth... And love!
He furrowed his brows, holding her tight. No matter what, hugging her would always produce an ecstasy in his veins. She would forever be his.
"Well, there's more to it, Mademoiselle."
He kissed the top of her head, slowly taking her hands in his. Sierra giggled, a shade of pink rising up to her cheeks, silence seemed so peaceful.
He gently guided her towards the pillow fortress. Inside there was a bottle of Chateau De Fleur sparkling champagne, a bouquet of roses and two cups of ramen. Her eyes glowing,
"You got your first pay check, didn't you?"
He smirked, popping the cork off the Champagne. Though the small pop sound startled Sierra a bit, it wasn't enough to kill the moment. Pouring two glasses of the sparkling liquid, he answered,
"I always wanted to be in love with someone who reads me like a magazine."
"Kim Taehyung-ah, you shouldn't have wasted your money on me. It's your first salary for heaven's sake. You should've..."
Taehyung slightly cocked his eyebrows, knowing what she is going to say. Cutting off someone and overlapping their voice won't be rude for once would it?
"Spent it on something special?"
Their voices overlapping into a nice melody. His deep voice melting in with her. He chuckled, handing her the Champagne. Then his long fingers slowly finding their way to her waist. Softly tugging her closer. He whispered, tugging the loose strand of hair behind her ears,
"You are more special than anything else would ever be."
And his eyes caught the most precious moment ever. Her cheeks gaininga sort of red hue. Her lips parting into a smile, as her eyes lowered. Her head, finding a soft spot on his hard chest. She whispered,
"I love you."
He whispered,
"I love you more. Wanna dance, my lady?"
A soft melody played on the speaker he borrowed from Min Yoongi. He had composed the melody himself. He named the melody, "Sierra".
Slowly, their bodies moving in a rhythm. Merging into one another. A mirage. A dewy pink spell around them. It was all going so well.
It was all going so well, until the clock struck 12. A striking pain inside her head. As if her bones were being twisted out of her flesh. Her chest clashing. Her stomach churning. But the plot twist here was that she wasn't feeling the pain alone this time. Taehyung flinched, as darkness took over his eyes. He felt as if he's going to puke. His body growing numb slowly as his brain was fuzzed up by pain and emotions. All his lips wanted to call for, wa sher name. With the least bit of strength, he screamed in pain...

The door flung open, revealing Taehyung, panting, trying to catch his breath. His veins popping, eyes red, hair messed up completely. But he couldn't care less. Sierra needed him.

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