17: My one will need the time,I have to only wait

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"You really stopped waiting for me?"
A tear glided out of his eyes. He was too late, wasn't he? 21 days. It takes 21 days to build a habit. What can be built, can be destroyed as well.
A clenching sensation in his heart. The same place, below her terrace. He stood there, hands tucked inside his pocket. Just she wasn't there. He really made a mistake, didn't he?
He should've hid beforehand. Maybe he killed the mystery. Of course she knew hew her voice, didn't she? He killed the mystery himself. And now, nothing pulls her in.

9:45? Sierra cocked her eyebrow up. Is it really been 9:45 since the last half an hour? She dropped the paint brush, rubbing the excess paint away with her t-shirt. Getting on the stool, taking out the clock. Slapping it a few times. The hands stood on 9.
Quickly rummaging around for her phone. Teeth sinking deep in her bottom lip. Brows furrowed, cursing under her breath.
With big bold letters it stated, "22:15". Hurriedly running towards the small window, climbing out. The cold air hitting her. Enough to create goosebumps. The street was as empty as it stayed before he came by. Dim lights fpashing on the road. He was nowhere to be seen. She clutched her chest. A sudden hoarseness in her voice,
"Why don't you come by? Why do you hurt me like this? And if you did show up today, why couldn't you wait a bit longer for me? Like I do?"

Jisoo felt her heart shatter to pieces. Her house reaking of tarsh and other nose triggering smells. Awful smells.
This felt more like a dirt hole. One room, cramped together like sardines in a can. Dirty and messed up.
Soju bottles lying every here and there, with good wrappers from days ago She hated this change. The magic was slowly turning into a curse for her.

Did you notice how it slowly is changing our families or people close to us?

Jisoo bit her lips, sitting on the ground. Eyes watered down. Face pale. Holding the phone close yo her heart. She has it lot easier than the others. Maybe because she almost won that day. She just made one mistake.

I know, my parents changed completely.

My mom became super strict

Nothing happened to my parents yet.
But Jungkook did change.
Btw, can I tell you something?




I'm dating Jungkook.
Fake dating.
We'd just play pretend.

Lisa, are you sure?
I don't want you to get hurt

Sierra just read every single message. Not having enough will to text them back. Just reading. She was the only one at fault. If only she didn't suggest the idea of playing that game. Maybe they would've stayed where they were. Maybe they wouldn't become chameleons. Maybe.

Dear You,
You stopped waiting for me. Maybe I deserve it.
Yours truly,
The boy you no longer wait for, but he will always wait for you.

He saved the note in a folder called "You". Tucking his phone inside his pocket. He walked aimlessly. He really was meant to be pitied, wasn't he now? His feet taking him away. God knows where. It just felt nice. Get lost in the mystery. Something that led him to her.

"Namjoonie Hyung, it's really just a text. Cone on. She wouldn't mind. Trust me. If you don't trust me, trust Jimin. Jimin-ah, isn't she friendly?"
Jimin, was just dragged into this conversation. If the leader of the pack needs help, you WILL help. Like a lost puppy, he moved his eyes away from the screen and smiled,
"Yeah... She is really really really friendly. Make a move Hyung."
Jungkook snorted, crossing his arms. He cocked an eyebrow, laying back on the sofa, manspreading,
"Hyung, this was your emergency? Seriously, just a text? That too a friendship one. I thought you were gonna propose."
"Why would you say that? What if she doesn't even like me..."
Jungkook's eyes widened. His doe eyes moving towards Taehyung. He gasped,
"He doesn't know yet?"
"No. Sometimes you need some mystery in life."
Taehyung seemed down. His eyes didn't have the sparkle. His smile wasn't there. He wasn't teasing Namjoon, joining hands with the maknae. The three guys in the room couldn't help but cock tbeir eyebrows. Namjoon, the leader of the herd, could bet something had gone south for him,
"Taehyung, is everything okay?"
"Hyung it isn't about me today, it's about you. Go on send that text to... "
"Taehyung, there isn't a thing called yours and mine. It's ours. If one of my dudes in trouble, I won't think of myself first. The text can wait."
Taehyung saw three men, looking at him with care. Worried for him. Jimin, who apparently didn't even bicker with Yoongi the whole day because he was texting Rosé, had dropped his phone and snuggled close towards Taehyung. Jungkook, the cocky maknae, was showing signs of genuine worry as his giant hands held Taehyung's tight. The leader, Namjoon, who didn't go to the gym as his mind was stuck on her too much, was thinking of nothing but Taehyung. Why did they like him? He, who was such a loser.

Hey Sierra. I'm Kim Namjoon.
You remember me right?
Let's have a chat, later on. When you're free.

Sierra woke up with Namjoon's text. She reread the message several times. A friend. A guardian angel. Her fingers twirled across the keyboard.

Sure Oppa.
I'll let you know when I'm free
I'm just a bit busy with the drama and fittings and props.
I'll let you know Oppa.

Sending the message, her eyes went towards the canvas. What did she even paint? Two colours. Blue and red. A woman. Abstract features. Just scribbles.
"If I could just be a Juliet and not myself. Would I woo you?"
Her long fingers traced the painting. The acrylic paint had dried out. The texture running smoothly against her fingertips.
Her long feet took her towards the mirror. No change at all. Then what's gone? What else can she lose? She has nothing to lose now. Class starts in an hour and she has a shift at 3. Gotta hurry.

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