63: Please, please, pelase pull me in and hug me

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Yoongi's voice dawned on him. He knew what Jisoo did was terrible. Infact, siding with her would make that person more terrible. But he can be the devil himself, if for her.
He hummed back to his Hyung,
"Don't you think whatever Jisoo did was bad? Like really bad? Come on, Namjoon-ah. Don't side with her because you love her. We all promised Sierra that we would be her older brother and guardian angels. We both know, what Jisoo did, she didn't deserve that."
"Hyung, Jimin's passing was way too sudden..."
"And Sierra had nothing to do with it! Sierra thought of Jimin as a brother. What makes you guys think that she'll do something to Jimin? She is just as sorry as anyone else in the room."
"Hyung, Jisoo has her fair share of grief. She is going through a lot. Perhaps even more than Sierra. Sierra has Taehyung with her..."
"And Jisoo has you, Namjoon Hyung! Jisoo Noona has you. You who will support her through everything..."
Jungkook scoffed, cutting in between the two older men. Tears in his beautiful doe eyes. His pale face going hotter every second. He clenched his teeth, his voice felt like a silk cloak,
"Even the murder of her own mother."
"Jisoo had nothing to do with it!"
Droplets of sweat on Namjoon's smooth forehead. The veins at the back of his neck popping. His fist clenched. He had a habit of biting his own cheeks, when anger take sthe worst in him. His voice was terribly hoarse. But Jungkook's voice grew even more hoarse. Almost growling, like an animal as if,
"Who else are you gonna lie to Hyung? Huh? Jisoo Noona murdered her own mother and you just hid it for her sake! It's as evident as the morning sun! You are supporting a fucking crime, Hyung. And yet you can be as hypocritical to the point that you blame Sierra for things she has nothing to do with. Is that what your love has brought you to? Have you fucking lost it!"
"You bastard!"
Namjoon roared, as his fists went up in the air. Landing towards Jungkook. His other fist tightly clutched around Jungkook's white collar. Jungkook felt his world crashing on him, instead of the punch. His Namjoon-ie Hyung punched him. Tears forming at the corner of his eyes.
Yoongi, pulling Namjoon away from Jungkook as Jin and Hoseok held Jungkook back. Lisa felt as if her legs would snap into two. Jennie was the only one standing in between the brawl. Min Yoongi had taught her well. How to not beat people up and instead, just calming them down. If not for Min Yoongi's lessons, she swore, Namjoon would've been on the ground.
Jisoo's heels clanked as she ran towards Namjoon. Gripping his biceps, tugging. Her deeper voice calling his name,
"Yeobo, let's go. Come on. Leave them! Come on."
Namjoon grunted, glaring at the four other men. Jennie stood in the middle. Looking him straight in his eyes,
"Kim Namjoon-ssi, apologise to Jeon Jungkook, right now. This instance!"
Jisoo took a step forward, glaring at her dearest girl friend. She slurred as if, hissing like a snake,
"Jennie-ya, don't get involved in between them."
"Unnie, do you expect me to witness a fistfight between Namjoon Oppa and Jungkook? Sorry to burst your bubble, but I won't. Jungkook did nothing wrong to be punched in the face..."
Jennie peeked over Jisoo's shoulder, towards Namjoon's fiery dragon eyes. Her monotonous voice pouring out of her plump lips,
"Apologise to Jungkook, Namjoon Oppa."
"No! You can't expect me to apologise to someone who disrespected my Jisoo!"
Namjoon roared, taking Jisoo's hands in his. His eyes softenjng as he looked into her gorgeous eyes. He whispered,
"Jagi, let's go. These are just a waste of time."
Jennie heard the whisper. A single tear waltzing out of her eyes, as she saw the silhouette of the hally couple stroll away. Her heart breaking as if. Yoongi came along, side hugging his Kim. Kissing the top of her head, he whispered,
"It will be alright, one day. Trust me, Kim."
"Min, but it hurts now. What can I do that will stop the pain?"
"Love. Love shall stop the pain, Kim. Love will."

Jungkook felt helpless. As if the whole Seoul had abandoned him, in an imstant. He felt lost and light headed. A voice ringing in his ears,
He didn't bother turning around. He didn't have the strength to. As if his muscles were slowly giving in. As if his whole body was shutting down.
Until a hand scratched his biceps, pulling him back. And in front of his eyes were the most beautiful doll eyed woman he has seen. As if there were sparkles hanging around her. As if she had her own spotlight on her. His heart began to beat again. Old habits don't die out, do they?
He managed to whisper somehow,
"Yah! Why weren't you turning back, huh? My throat hurts now. I was calling you over and over again."
Lisa rolled her eyes. Still not daing to leave his biceps. She feared, perhaps if her fingers loosen, he will disappear into thin air as well. Jungkook chuckled softly,
"Why Priya?"
Lisa glanced at him. Her eyes finding his eyes. As if the wind whistled in their ears. As if the cars stopped honking for a second. And before Jungkook knew, Lisa had wrapped her arms around him. Clutching the back of his tuxedo. Burying her tiny face in his well built chest, she answered,
"I was worried for you, Jungkook-ah. I was worried sick."
Her voice was low and tiny. But whatever it was that she was feeling, it was genuine this time. His tiny little heart thumped against his ribs. A swarm of butterflies gushing out into his stomach. As if the old Jungkook was coming back. He wrapped his arms around her tiny frame, kissing the top of her head. His brows knitted together, as her scent went inside his nostrils, delivering a sort of comfort. He whispered back,
"I love you, Lalisa."
Lisa quipped,
"I love you too, Jungkook-ah"

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