21: I dream and pray, we start from today

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Sierra chuckled at her cellphone. Kim Taehyumg was an interesting person to talk with. She got up, the small box filled with letters.
Her long fingers teased the lock. With a smile plastered on her lips, she slowly unlocked the box. Small notes overflowing out of the box. Every note with one initial and poetry. She read every single word of it. A swarm of butterflies tickling her. She murmured,
"Dear Kim Taehyung."

Dear You,
Today was a dream. But still it stubs me that you stoppef waiting for me. This thought that you'll leave me again keeps bugging inside my mind. I so wanna live in the moment. Like you do. You are so fearlessly gorgeous. Never regretting a decision. Just living it all. Pops of colour here and there. My life's just blue and grey.
Would you be my colour Mademoiselle?
Yours truly,
The boy who is madly in love with you

Sierra threw her arms around Jisoo. JenLiChaeng trailed by, exchanging small stuff. How's life, the changes, how are you coping up with it, what are you learning for science this term and a lot more
Jisoo tried to smile. But too be honest, everything was just annoying to her. The others had it easier. No one was going through things as her. Everyone just had a change in their hobbies and appearances. She was losing the worst way possible.
Jennie snaked an arm around Jisoo's waist. Leaning in softly, with her cute baby voice,
"Unnie, is there something wrong?"
Yes. You guys had it easier than her! But again, are any one of them even at fault?
"No. Just the campaigns start next week so I'm a bit stressed."
"Next week? We've got so much to do! Banners, speeches. So much! We need a solid plan to go against Kim Namjoon. Too bad it's just us. Jimin Oppa, Jin Oppa, Kookie, Hoseok Oppa wouldn't help us would they now? Unnie! We terribly need help! Like everyone of our friends. Even if we don't win, we need to give a tough competition."
Sierra settled down, excited about the campaigns. They really need to make sure to hold onto moments. As everything keeps changing. And they can do nothing about it. Absolutely nothing at all.
Jennie smiled, taking out a small notepad. Writing down the step by step plan,
"So me and Rosie would help Jisoo Unnie with speeches. Ra, can you make the banners? Lili, you are good with socialising the most. So you're on the duty of collecting people. We need as many supporters as possible. Sounds good?"
Jisoo pulled her lips in a gorgeous smile. Even if she feels the way she does, she knows her girls would never let go of her hand. These girls love each other. More than any blood bond even would ever.

"Trust me, Namjoon-ah, Jisoo doesn't go easy. She is dedicated to whatever she does. Even the most craziest things."
Jin was kinda proud of his cousin. Kim Jisoo was a complete package. Savage, cute, hard working. Even with such a family, she never forgets to smile. Jin is actually on the verge of convincing his parents to take in Jisoo. Jisoo doesn't deserve these things. A scheming father that has been hunted down by loan sharks, a mother who is never there for her, a brother who is in the military and lastly a sister who is the sole bread earner.
"Yeah, Jisoo-ssi is a tough competitor..."
"Of course she is. It's Kim Jisoo we are talking about. She is THE sweetheart. She helps everyone that needs help with a smile on her lips. She makes even Mrs. Shin laugh. She funny and kind and unique. She has the whole campus behind her. She can score all the votes with just a smile..."
The maknae line smirked and snorked. Passing high fives and fist bumps with a smug look. Jungkook couldn't let go this brilliant opportunity to tease his Hyungs. Can he?
"Well, don't you know a LOT about Jisoo Noona now? Namjoonie Hyung, mark my words you got some tough competition from Yoongi Hyung."
"Aish! Come here you maknaes!"
Yoongi's gummy smile was precious. Precious enough to melt all the hearts. Namjoon laughed as well as the others. His dimples out. The last one he should be threatened of were these guys around him. He can trust them with his life.
Jimin chuckled. Time to pull his Yoongi Hyung's legs. A perfect opportunity to bring up Jennie Kim.
"You know, Chaeyoung told me that Jennie-ssi talked a lot about Namjoon Hyung that day. Like she told them how he is THE leader, how all the girls would vote him just for his smile..."
"Isn't that what Yoongi Hyung just said? I read somewhere that soulmates usually tend to think the same."
Taehyung's deep voice and hints of satoori in his tongue. The smug smile and small lisps. The eyebrow raise. Everything was just on point. Everything just to tease Yoongi.
Yoongi liked this. How his brothers were teasing him. Atleast someone knew what his heart kept saying.

Jungkook giggled at the sight of his twin from another mother. Throwing a fist bump which turned into a special handshake.
"Si! Nice to... See ya!"
Sierra didn't know her laughter could get so loud until now. She punched his arms jokingly,
"You are so bad at making puns bro."
"Girls love it when I make puns."
"Seriously? Girls? As far as I know, only girl you care about is Lalisa Manoban."
"Shh... Keep it low. I don't want her to know, not yet. We agreed to become this make believe couple, no love at all. But then came in this feeling. The sudden rush of emotions when I see her. The terrible attempt of not making it obvious. If I do so, she'll hate me forever. We won't even stay friends or a make believe couple. And I don't want that to happen. Got it Princess Peach?"
Sierra elbowed Jungkook slightly. Teasing his blushing face. Her eyebrows going up and down. Up and down. She rolled his eyes, with a laughter, pulling on the ongoing joke. Jeon Jungkook usually was the one to pull people's legs. It was fun to tease him,
"Whatever Bugs Bunny. But I can happily be your wing woman."
Jungkook scoffed, tugging on the straps of his backpack,
"Really Si? You as Lisa and my wingwoman, Taehyung Hyung as Namjoon Hyung and Jisoo Noona's wingman. How aren't you already a couple yet?"
The alley roared with elmo laughter. Jungkook was a fast runner. But doesn't mean that Sierra wasn't just as fast as him. After all she was practically his twin.

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