81: Looking at you going away

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The group of four were trying to make a decision. Where to go? How to go? Car, metro or bus? Yoongi was playing rock, paper, scissors with Jungkook as Sierra and Taehyung playfully bickered.
Yoongi's phone dinged. He fished it out of his pocket, his fist still in the air. Jungkook smirked, seeing his Hyung engrossed in the text. He proudly announced,
"Loser buys winner fried chicken. If you don't play you lose, rock-paper-scissors!"
Jungkook threw a scissor and Yoongi threw none. Jungkook giggled,
"Hyung, you lost."
Yoongi smiled, his eyes dawning on the visibly happy Maknae. His bunny teeth on full display, cheeks fluffed up, eyes and tiny little nose crunched. He ruffled Jungkook's soft hair with slight smile,
"Hyung will buy you chicken. But next time."
Sierra snapped towards Yoongi. Her hands crossed on their chests, a shift from their earlier placement of staying on her hips. She cocked her right eyebrow up, tilting her head slightly,
"Next time? Oppa, where are you planning to go?"
Yoongi smiled, warmly enough. He looked tired with his shoulders dropped. His voice wasn't like the usual either,
"Work. My father's secretary texted me. Something to do with business, I guess. Anyways, I'm sorry but I will make it up to you guys. Next time everything will be on me."

His seatbelt clicked as a sign of being plugged in properly. He had his phone the stand, speakers on. His father answered in his usually dense Satoori tone,
"What do you want Min-ah?"
"What are you planning now this time?"
He was shaking. His eyes were dark and voice was bitter. His grip over the steering wheel got firmer. His teeth gritting against ecah other, his jaws tightened. The veins at the back of his porcelain white neck visibly tensed up. His father chuckled,
"Nothing you didn't agree to follow, Min-ah. Nothing against your will."
His father ended the call. He screamed, throwing his head back. He clawed the steering wheel. All he knew was that, he was fucked.

It was all too quiet. Too quiet for the uproar she created. Her father was still away. Her mother was skillfully cutting through the pancakes. Her pinky up, elegantly. Jennie quietly pulled her chair. She didn't even look up, not daring to meet her mother's eyes. She kept reminding herself to breathe in and breathe out. The air condition was buzzing and all the two ladies heard were the subtle sound of their cutlery. Secretary Kang stepped through the door, bowing to Mrs. Kim,
"Good morning Madam. The car's ready for you and you have a meeting..."
"Cancel it. Cancel all the schedules for today. We are going to meet Kim Jongin's parents."
Jennie's eyes shot up towards her mother. Mrs. Kim was unbothered. A smirk on her lips. She looked elegant, in control. Jennie wanted to admire her, but bitterness took the best of her. She screamed,
"What do you mean woman? I am not meeting anyone for marriage!"
Mrs. Kim smiled at her secretary. Her voice had a very gentle, mature husk to it,
"Mr. Kang, leave us to ourselves for a minute."
Mr. Kang left the two of the women to themselves. He was associated with the Kims for a long, long, long time. Jennie Kim was all that her mother is. It was just that, she still was youthful. Mrs. Kim was too engrossed into herself. If only they could iron their issues out.
Mrs. Kim sat straight, chin resting on her fingers. With a slight smirk she continued,
"Jennie Ruby Jane, I am not your enemy. Are you doing all this for Min Yoongi? Tsk. Jennie Kim, don't be that naive to trust a man so much. Let's go, I'll prove you wrong."
"Stop! Even if it wasn't Min Yoongi, we would still be here. You can't just wed me off for your own benefit. I am not a business deal. I don't care for what, I am not marrying Kim Jongin."
Mrs. Kim's heels clanked. Jennie stood there, mouth agape, tears in her eyes. Mrs. Kim mocked her with the simple tone in her voice,
"Dress well, Ruby Kim. I have an image to keep."

Taehyung had his fingers entwined with Sierra's. He just loved how their hands looked together. She smiled, her cheeks fluffed up. Jungkook had his hands tucked inside his pockets. Chewing on a lollipop stick. He was happy. He was hapoy for his twin and his brother.
They were almost at the karaoke, when Jungkook stopped with a bolt. His feet felt hevaier as his doe eyes filled with tears. He tried to gulp down his mucus, but he just couldn't. His hands scratched the back of Taehyung's shirt. He couldn't breathe, nor speak. Taehyung stopped in his steps. He ran to Jungkook's side, worry etched on his face. His gaze followed Jungkook's eyes. Straight, right by the karoake bar. A happy couple strolled out. It took them not one second to figure out who they were. Jeong Yoon-o and Lalisa Manoban. Sierra gasped, holding Jungkook's other hand. She rubbed his back, whispering,
"Sorry, Gguk. I... We... We didn't know."
Jungkook heard none. His ears were ringing. He felt like puking, a bit lightheaded. He leaned on Taehyung slightly, murmuring,
"This wasn't supposed to hurt. This wasn't supposed to burn. Hyung, Sierra. I don't love her, but why is my heart still clenching?"

Lisa knew the cat's out of the bag. She had her hands wrapped around Yoon-o's bicep. From her peripheral vision she saw Jungkook breaking down, Kim Taehyung visibly furious and hurt and Sierra... Sierra was unreadably emotional.
Lisa gulped down her guilt. She was happy. She was happy and that's all that matters. Yoon-o kissed her cheeks,
"You are the happiest I have seen you to be, today. What's the secret, Lisa?"
Lisa's smile could brighten the whole room. Her eyes formed two crescent moons. She was practically glowing,
"I don't have to hide you anymore, from anyone. We can finally be official, just in a few more days."

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