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"Why are you dressing so fancy?" Chris leans against the doorframe as I hold up two of my best outfits. One of them was from my most recent premier the other was just for fun. 

"Because I'm meeting Scarlett Fucking Johansson." I point out and he shrugs. 

"What? You trying to impress her?" He smirks as he walks into the room and looks at the two outfits. 

"Pfft... no." I mutter and he raises an eyebrow at me. 

"Uh huh. And I'm bald." He crosses his arms. 

"You better not be bald and just wearing a wig." I reach up and yank at his hair. He giggles with me until I sigh, "Yes. I want to impress her." 

"She doesn't care what you wear. Just be yourself." He shrugs and puts away the dress from the premier and looks at the other outfit. It's simpler but has its fancy elements. 

"You prefer this then?" I ask and he nods. 

"Get changed then lets get on the road." He leaves the room and shuts the door. Such a gentlemen. 

I change into the white pantsuit and head out into the living room. I give Dodger a scratch behind the ears before picking up my bag. "You got your wallet?" 

"Yes. Why?" Chris peeks his head out from the kitchen. 

"Because you're paying, dumbass." I say and he rolls his eyes. 

"How dare I forget. Now come on." He grabs my hand and we head out the doors. 

"How many rumors are we about to start?" I question as we decide to walk to the restaurant. 

"Um probably a lot." He shrugs and looks at me. 

"I bet at least a few throuple ones." I smirk and he playfully slaps my shoulder. 

"You won't believe how long it took me to escape the stories that I was dating Scarlett." He says with a smile. 

"You haven't." I earn a confused look with my answer. "I mean... a lot of people still suspect you slept together." 

"Do you think that?" He asks. 

"Perhaps." I shrug and wink at him. 

"Do you want to know?" He tilts his head to the side. 

Do I? No. "Not really. And definitely not right before I meet her." 

"Makes sense. We're here by the way." He motions for me to enter a fancy Italian restaurant.

"I love this place." I take his hand and we walk in. He gives a fake name and the waiter leads us into a back room. 

The room is private and only has one table which Scarlett Johansson is currently sitting at. Alright... bi panic. I'll admit she's really gorgeous. Like over the moon gorgeous. "Evans!" She leaps from her seat to wrap her arms around his neck. 

"It's so good to see you!" He hugs her back and I smile at their interaction. 

When they release Scarlett turns to me, "Its wonderful to meet you Y/N." 

"Same to you. If I'm being honest I'm kind of star struck." I smile at her and take her hand in a firm shake. 

"Really? Then you'll be glad to hear I feel the same. I love your work." She pulls me in for a hug and I smirk at Chris who is making a heart with his hands. 

"Alright ladies. Time for food!" He claps his hands together and pulls the chair out for me before pushing it in when I sit down. 

"Don't I get a fancy chair push?" Scarlett asks when Chris moves to sit down himself. 

Scarlett Johansson - Where Do We Go From Here?Where stories live. Discover now