Rose and Colin

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Getting ready for dinner with Scarlett and her family already wasn't going well. Do I dress up? Do I go casual? Business casual? What was the proper etiquette for meeting the husband and daughter of a woman you were 100% crushing on?

I gave up staring at my wardrobe and pulled on a black pantsuit with a dark red shirt underneath. It was somewhere in the middle of the before options. I grabbed the flowers and wine from my counter before getting into my car. According to my GPS I was going to be about 3 minutes early but that was fine. 

When I knocked on the door I was surprised to be greeted by a man. He smiled at me and held out his hand, "Y/N! It's so nice to meet you." 

"Hi! Colin, I presume?" I already knew it was him but why not act like I didn't. 

"That would be me. Please come in!" He moved to the side so I could enter. Scarlett and Rose were no where to be seen and my heart dropped a bit, was this going to turn awkward? "Let me get those for you. These are beautiful." He comments as he takes the flowers and wine from my hands. 

"Thanks." I say quietly as he walks into the kitchen to put everything down. He pulls out a vase to put the flowers in. 

"I've seen a lot of your work. I don't know why we haven't gotten you onto SNL yet." Colin walks back into the room.

I looked over at him, "If I was offered I wouldn't say no." 

"Then consider this an offer. Would Y/N Y/LN do me the honor of hosting SNL?" He bows and I chuckle a bit. He's a lot nicer then I thought he was going to be, but perhaps it was an act. 

"That's a done deal." I hold out my hand and he shake again. "If you don't mind me asking, where is Scarlett?" 

"Oh! She's picking up Rose from a friends. She said traffic was awful and she is sorry she's late. The food is almost done though." He ducks back into the kitchen to check the oven. 

"Can I help with anything?" I ask as I lean on the counter. 

"No way! You're the guest. Please make yourself at home. Can I get you anything?" He closes the oven and moves to set the table. Perhaps he was too nice? 

"I'm fine. Thanks for inviting me over for this." I sit down on a bar stool so I can watch him bustle about. 

"Figure its only right for us to meet. Scarlett talks about you a lot. You've made quite the impression." He sends me a smile. 

"That's good. I think we work well together." I don't really want to be on this topic anymore. 

"I'm sure you do. I've seen your talent, you're amazing. And so is she of course. I think you guys could pull off anything." I'm not really sure how to respond to his words. 

"Thank you. You sure you don't need any help?" I offer again. 

"I'm sure. The girls should be back soon." As he speaks the door flies open and Scarlett walks in holding a sleeping Rose in her arms. 

Her eyes go right over me until she sees Colin, "Could you put Rose in bed? I have to get ready." 

"Yeah of course! But she's already here." He points at me and Scarlett turns with wide eyes. 

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry." She hands Rose to Colin before pulling me into a hug. 

"No worries. You both seem tired." I motion over to the sleeping child in Colin's arms. 

"I'll go put her in bed. If the oven beeps can you pull out the pork?" He says to Scarlett who nods. He vanishes up the stairs and once he is gone Scarlett turns back to me. 

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