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"I don't want to!" Rose crosses her arms and stamps her feet against the ground as Scarlett tries to hand over her backpack. 

"Rose... we have to go." Scarlett tries again and Rose tries to run away but I scoop her into my arms. 

"No! Put me down!" She starts to wiggle around and Scarlett huffs in annoyance. 

"Rose." I say and she stops moving to look at me. "You have to go to school. If you stop complaining about it I'll get you something extra for your birthday on Friday. And you can invite as many people as you want. Ok?" 

"I don't want to go!" She pouts and I can see Scarlett getting upset. Rose never acts like this. 

"You'll have fun. I promise you. Now! To the car." I carry her outside and grab the backpack from Scarlett as I pass. Rose makes a fuss the entire time as I sit her in the backseat and wait for Scarlett to join us. Scarlett makes sure Rose is in her car seat before getting in next to me. 

"You know the address?" Scarlett asks and I point to the GPS. The entire drive Rose is silent and Scarlett and I keep glancing at each other. Rose was still not over what happened last week. She watched me closely whenever I was near Scarlett and she hadn't wanted to be alone with me since then. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do and Scarlett just kept saying I had to give her time. 

When we got to the school I stayed in the car in order not to have photos of us taken. Scarlett and Rose would most likely be here anyway so that didn't matter. Seeing me drop off Rose with them might cause more questions and even though Scar had said she was ready to let the world know, she wanted it on her terms.

When Scarlett opened the back door I looked over and stuck out my fist, "Good luck today. You'll have fun I promise." Rose looks at me for a few seconds before gently hitting her fist against mine and I smile. "We can get ice cream when I pick you up?" 

"Is Mommy coming?" Rose asks and my heart drops. Scarlett looks away and I can tell she's upset. 

"Uh, no... she has to stay on set," I explain and Rose pouts. 

"No ice cream." She decides and I shut my eyes and I lean against the headrest. 

"Rose... Why don't you want your first day of school treat?" Scarlett prompts and I sigh before turning around to face forward. 

"I want to go with you." Rose answers and starts to unbuckle herself from the car seat. 

"You got this Rose," I say as she gets out of the car. She doesn't answer me and I watch Scarlett walk her to the doors. She crouches down to hug Rose and they have a brief conversation before Rose walks into the building with a group of kids. I shut my eyes and try not to cry. Every time Rose shuts me down it makes me feel so awful. I love that kid with all of my heart and now she hasn't even wanted to be in a room alone with me, eat something that I've cooked, she hasn't even called me Mom since then. 

Scarlett opens the car door and I wait for her to say something but she doesn't. Once she's buckled in I drive us over to set and all she does is place a hand on my thigh gently rubbing her thumb against me. It takes longer than normal because there is a lot of traffic but soon enough we get there and we're going separate ways. She gives me a quick hug and whispers, "I love you" and then she's gone. I don't know if the distance thing is good or not. 

As I walk into set Robert and Chris jump out at me from behind a corner and I'm so out of it that I ignore them. 

"That's not good," Robert states as I keep walking. 

"Indeed. Hey! Y/N! What's going on?" Chris jogs after me and places a hand on my shoulder. At that moment all I want to do is turn to him and place my head against his chest and let it out. 

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