Rose Time

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Rose was so excited to see me when I pulled up. Though she was very confused that her mom wasn't here to pick her up. I quickly explained that Scarlett was tired but Rose and I could have some time to ourselves. So that's how I found myself driving around the city to wherever the little girl I love so much, wants to go. And of course the demand was for ice cream. Not just any ice cream thought, ice cream from the farthest ice cream shop from our house. 

"Y/N?" Rose says when we're about halfway done with our drive. 

"Yes, darling?" I glance in the rearview mirror and see her reaching her hand out.

"I want to hold your hand." She stretches forwards and I chuckle, moving one hand from the wheel to reach behind my seat and grab onto hers. 

"Is this comfortable?" I ask, squeezing her hand a few times. 

"Yes. Thank you." She squeezes my hand back and I smile at her. This girl has my heart, and I thought that was meant to belong to Scarlett. I think Rose is really pulling all the strings. "Do you love me?" She asks out of the blue. 

"Of course I do." I say quickly. 

"Say it." She pinches the back of my hand with her free hand and I jerk my arm, but I don't let go. 

"That was rude." I complain. 

"Say it!" She says again, only louder. 

"I love you, Rose. I love you so much. I love you more then there are fish in the sea." I say, quoting what my mom always said to me growing up. 

"Thank you. I love you too." She murmers and I smile. 

"Why were you questioning if I loved you, Rose?" I ask, rubbing the back of her hand with my thumb. 

"Before only my mommy loved me... I wanted to see if I could add you to that list." She pulls her hand away and my arm drops to rest against the back of my seat. 

"Rose... There are so many people that love you." I reach back to grab onto one of her knees. "What about Uncle Chris? Think he gives candy to anyone?" 

"No..." She says quietly. 

"I bet Uncle Hunter spoils you too." I say, I haven't met Scarlett's brother yet but from what I've heard he's a good man. 

"He does." She agrees. 

"We can't forget about Uncle Rob." I say, tickling her leg. 

She starts giggling and her hands wrap around mine, stopping me from my attack. "There's a lot, huh?" 

"There's more then you know, Rose. And that list is always growing." I squeeze her knee before pulling my hand back to the wheel so I could park. "And you better love me a lot because I'm about to buy you ice cream." 

"Yay! I love you!" She squeals as I park in the parking lot. It's a bit busy around here so I take a moment to scan the area. I will never get used to this and I've been dealing with crowds since I was little. I pull on my hat but know it probably won't do anything. Once I'm all set I get out and open the door for Rose and she grabs my hand as I walk inside. 

"Do you know what you want?" I ask and she nods quickly, raising her hand to point at a sign. 

I follow her finger and my jaw drops, "No." 

"But I want it!" She complains. 

"Rose that's a challenge. You can't eat 25 scoops of ice cream. That thing comes in a bucket." I read the sign more closely and apparently in a group of 1 or 2 you get a shirt and a picture for finishing it. 

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