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I didn't have the luxury of waking up to Scarlett next to me this morning, seeing as she was already up and dressed when she shook me awake. Rose was all ready as well and I had to squint to see anything properly because of the light streaming through the curtains. 

"Get up, sleepy head." Scarlett muttered and I groaned. "You looked too peaceful but we start to get impatient." She smiles at me and I cover my head with the blanket trying to get my eyes used to the light. 

"Come on, Y/N!" Rose jumped on me and I grunted from the sudden force. 

"I'm up! I'm up!." I pushed the blanket off of me and flipped over so I had Rose wrapped inside it like a burrito. "You're mine now." I grin at her as she start to struggle. 

"No! Mommy, help me!" Rose called out and I head Scarlett laugh at us. She walked over and crawled onto the bed and grabbed my arm. She pulled me backwards so I was laying on my back again as she freed Rose from her blanket prison. 

"We win." Scarlett smirks above me and I glare at her. 

"That was 2 against one." I cross my arms and suddenly Rose reaches out and starts to tickle my sides. "Woah woah woah! That's not nice." I struggle away trying not to laugh but soon enough Scarlett strikes as well. 

"Come help me Rose." Scarlett calls out and soon they both are attacking me with tons of tickles as I curl up into a ball, all of us laughing. 

"That's it." I mutter and I push myself off the bed and they both start laughing at me. "Congratulations. I'm up."

"I pulled out one of the bathing suits you brought." Scarlett pointed to the dresser and I smile at her. 

"Thanks!" I head into the bathroom to change and soon enough I'm back out in the main room. And I'm watching Scarlett chase Rose around with a lump of sunscreen on her hand. 

"I don't want it!" Rose calls out. 

"You have to wear it." Scarlett says and I smile at the sight. 

Rose runs over to me and hides behind my legs and Scarlett glares at me. "I'm not doing anything." 

"Rose... Don't use people as human shields." Scarlett tilts her head to look behind me. 

"Y/N isn't wearing any!" Rose points out. She is right, I've never really put sunscreen on before. Which I know is stupid but that's future me problems. 

"That's true. But-" Scarlett smacks her hand onto my stomach putting the cream across my exposed skin, "-now she is." 

"That hurt." I complain and she smiles at me, rubbing it in. 

"Turn around." She directs and I spin, letting her move my hair out of the way so she can rub some onto my back and shoulders. When she stopped touching me I was surprised at how much I missed the contact. 

I turned back around almost reaching out to grab onto Scarlett's hand but Rose distracts me, "Fine! I'll put it on."

"Good! Come here." Scarlett says and when Rose gets close enough, she starts putting the sunscreen onto Rose as well. 

"We ready to go then?" I ask and the both nod. 

"Can you give me a piggy back ride?" Rose tugs at my hand and I crouch down to let her get onto my back. We head out the door and I bend to the side so I don't hit her head. Scarlett walks by my side and I see her keep glancing at me with a small smile on her lips.

"We've been lucking with people not noticing us." Scarlett points out.

"Don't jinx us now. I'd love to get through all of this without some fan rally." I say as we walk out the doors into the park heading towards the waterpark area. The second we walk through the entryway Rose starts to wiggle around and I pick her up and place her back down on the ground, letting her run forwards towards a large water playground. 

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