Beach Day

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"You have to get up." Scarlett poked my shoulder and I groaned as I turned over to face away from her. "I'm not dealing with Kevin if you're late. He really wants to talk to you."

"I'm up." I mutter and she grins.

"You'll be up when I see you out of bed." She slams a pillow over the back of my head and I grab it from her.

"Mine." I pull it closer to me and then she yanks the blankets off of me. With the rush of cool air surrounding me, I finally open my eyes and stare at the wall in front of me. "I hate you."

"N,o you don't." She hits me with another pillow. At that, I turn around and bring the first pillow over my head to hit her back. "Is this how you want to do this?" She asks with a smirk.

"Uh-huh," I answer as I hit her again. We go at it like this for a few minutes until I manage to push her backward over the edge of the bed and she lands on her back. "Victory!"

"Whatever." She stands up and I climb out of bed for her to hug me and dig her face against my chest. "You smell good." She comments.

"Do I?" I tease.

"Yes. I love it." She kisses the bottom of my chin and I smile down at her.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I ask as I gently pull away but she quickly follows to remain as close as possible. She starts laughing and I raise an eyebrow, "What?"

"I just had a bad thought." She answers as she pulls away from me.

"What did you think of?" I ask and she just grins. "You can't say that and then walk away."

"I was going to say that I wanted you for breakfast. But I just spent all that time getting you out of bed that might have gotten rid of all my progress." She smirks and swings the door open to walk downstairs.

"You're impossible," I say as I follow behind her. 

I make breakfast as we wait for Rose to wake up before we eat it all together. Then the normal day begins. We drop Rose off at school and Scarlett walks her to the doors. I see her scanning the area before she comes back and I'm sure she was trying to see if she could find the kids. I had already found them. They were huddled under a tree and every few minutes one of them was looking at the car. I don't care that they seemed scared of me. I'm happy they do. 

Once we got to set it seemed really empty. "Where do you think Kevin would be?" I ask and I turn to look back but Scarlett is gone. "Scar?" I call out and look down the different hallways but she is nowhere to be seen. "Alright then." 

I check Kevin's office and I knock on the door when I see him through the window. He doesn't look up he just flicks his hand toward me before pointing at his phone and then moving a finger to his lips. Guess he was busy right now. I head into the main area and there is still no one around so I just assume they all have a scene to work on. 

I head to my costume and make-up room and when I walk in there is loud music blaring. "Good morning!" I shout over it but everyone in the room just points to the speakers before cupping a hand behind their ears. I just shrug and sit down to let them get to work. 

I should have had more warning bells going off from the entirety of today. Scarlett rarely wakes up before me and when she does she's never on my ass about getting out of bed. Then she leaves me alone? She never does that until she has to. Also, the fact no one was just walking around was also weird. Once I'm free to leave the room I get up and grab a jacket I'm supposed to have for the scene before heading to the set. Yet again no one is there so I finally let it sink in that something is going on. And I'm willing to bet that Scarlett is behind this. I send her a few questioning texts but get no response. 

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