Breakfast and Spiders

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A/N Soooo it's been awhile.... Um... yeah I'm sorry about that! I got sucked up with a lot of other things going on! I will shape up and get back to the grind! (That may or may not actually happen... I'll try my best guys!) I promise I don't want to stop writing or anything there are just some things I have to put ahead of updates. I love writing both of my stories so there really is no fear of me stopping! Especially when I'm getting to the good parts!! Anyways, enjoy the chapter!!!!


When I woke up everything kind of felt like a dream. The entirety of yesterday made sleep almost impossible but I got like an hour or two in. I slowly made my way downstairs, stopping by the door that held Scarlett and Rose. There was no sound so I assumed that they were still asleep. When there was no movement in the kitchen that belief was pretty much made certain. 

I set to making the most perfect breakfast I could possibly make. Those ladies deserved some real food in my opinion. I didn't know the exact situation that was going on at their house, all I did know is I could make a mean pancake. 

I think I actually started to have a bit too much fun making the pancakes into different shapes. I was playing music through my wireless earbuds instead of the speakers so I wouldn't wake my guests. I kind of danced around the kitchen whenever I needed to grab something, then I would return to my masterpieces. I had so far created a Lego brick, dragon, and a Micky Mouse face for Rose. For Scarlett I made them into a cake, fairy, and another Micky Mouse. Seeing as the mouse was just three connected circles that's all I made for myself. I laid out the plates along with some fruit, whipped cream, and chocolate chips onto the table. 

"It looks like you're feeding an army." Scarlett's voice broke through the soft music I was listening to. I turned to see her leaning on the doorframe, just watching me. 

"I mean there's a little kid in the house. It's more then an army." I pulled out my earbuds and placed them down on the counter as I walked over to her. "Where is the little gremlin anyway?" I asked as I got closer. 

"Upstairs still. She had to use the bathroom." Scarlett closed the distance between us and pulled me into a tight hug. I rubbed my hands up and down her back and didn't say anything. I honestly didn't really know what to say. I didn't really want to bring up what had happened yesterday this early in the morning. But as my hands traced her back I couldn't help but think about what he might have done to her. What he might have done to Rose. I think she could sense my shift because she looked up at me and asked, "You ok?" 

"Yeah. Of course." I smile at her and she presses her head back into my shoulder. 

I hear footsteps thumping down the steps as Rose comes running down. "Mommy! Mommy!" She shouts as she runs towards us. 

Scarlett pulls away and turns to watch her daughter charge towards us. "Yes, pumpkin?" She crouches down so she's level with Rose. 

"There's something funny in Y/N's bathroom!" Rose jumps up and down as she squeals. 

Scarlett looks at me and I shrug, what would I child find funny? "What was it?" Scarlett voices my question. 

"Can I bring it down?" Rose turns to me instead of answering. 

"Uh... sure. Is it heavy?" I ask, still having no clue what it is. 

"Nope! It was in the drawer!" And with that she's sprinting back upstairs. 

"I'll be honest, I don't know what that child is about to bring back down the steps." I say to Scarlett and she raises an eyebrow. 

"Please tell me you don't keep sex toys in the guest bathroom." She says flatly and my eyes widen. 

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