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Scarlett and I were back on set and everything had suddenly gotten really busy. There was almost no time for me to do things other than read through scenes and then perform them. Overall, it was fun, just more work than I was expecting from this kind of role. It mainly sucked that Marvel had gotten real tight with everything and I wasn't even with most of the other actors. One of my favorite things was to meet the others and I've met some of my best friends that way. But this time, everything was locked away in little rooms in an old warehouse. I guess it made sense, these movies were getting so much attention and I was really lucky to be a part of them.

But things were turning around when Chris invited Scarlett and me to a party that he was hosting for the cast and some others. Scarlett and I were very excited, though she was more excited about the fact I was excited. I think she had started to see the extra workload weighing me down. Which was kind of her but she worked nearly as much as I did. We both had Marvel to deal with I just was also writing a script for my own company. 

Rose wasn't too happy that we were going out because she wanted to spend as much time with us as possible before school started. Which was soon. But I kept reminding her that meant her birthday was coming up. She would get excited for a few minutes and then pout about her birthday being during school and not over the summer. 

I promised to make it up to her tomorrow and she grumpily agreed to spend time with Hunter. Scarlett and I were getting ready right after Hunter picked up Rose for the evening. He was still as nice as he was during that dreadful time with their mom. Scarlett was a bit more protective of me than she had been before that. If she stumbled across an article bashing me for something she instantly wanted to find whoever wrote it and tell them off. Not that I wouldn't do the same but I kept it to myself. 

Though it was finally time to go and I zipped up the back of Scarlett's dress. She looked stunning in it as always. There was a slit for her leg and openings on the back to show off her tattoos. As we walked to the door I placed my arm around her waist and I smiled as my hand rested on her bare back. She put a hand on my chest and smirked as she leaned up to kiss my cheek. 

"You have everything?" I ask as I grab the keys. 

"I think so. We aren't going too far." She shrugs and I nod. 

"Then let's get going! I can't wait to finally meet some of these people." I open the door for her and she smiles as we head toward the car. She grabs the keys from me and I roll my eyes, she always wants to drive. 

"Who are you looking forward to seeing?" She asks as she starts the car. 

"Hemsworth. 100%. I mean Harkin has spoken to Thor and I've never met the guy." I explain and she nods. 

"He's nice. We did a few scenes together." Scarlett says and I pout.

"That's unfair. I just get to stand there and do stuff by myself. At least Robert is always there." I say and she places her hand on my leg. 

"Stop complaining. I promise you that you will get to work with everyone soon." She says and I place my hand over hers. 

We chat about random things as we get closer and closer to Chris's house. I haven't been here for a while but he hasn't changed anything that I can see. Cars are lined up everywhere and I'm surprised, he's not normally into hosting these things. I get out of the car once we park a bit down the street. I help Scarlett get out and we walk hand in hand toward the house. 

"Wait." She freezes and I turn around. 

"Did you forget something?" I ask and she lets go of my hand. 

Scarlett Johansson - Where Do We Go From Here?Where stories live. Discover now