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The later it got the more the rain started to subside. Scarlett and I decided to go to the carnival that Robert had mentioned because it just sounded like a really great time. We agreed to pick up Rose on the way back and I was way too excited for this. We really wanted to get out and clear our minds from today. We both agreed that yesterday was fantastic but today had kind of been ruined by the sudden revival of that man into our lives again. 

On the way there we stopped at the ATM so I could get cash but the entire drive Scarlett was trying to convince me that she was going to pay for it. She only gave in when I reminded her that this was still technically her date weekend and she had agreed that today was her day last night.  So once I was back in the car she was done fighting me over who was going to pay and just accepted her fate. 

When we got there it was pretty crowded but not crowded enough for super long lines. I bought us each wristbands instead of tickets and I let her lead the way. She lead us over to the swings and we didn't have to wait too long before we were sitting next to each other and she took my hand in hers as we started to slowly lift off the ground. "You better not be secretly really scared of heights." She says to me and I laugh. 

"I'm fine, don't worry." I kiss her cheek as we begin to spin. We're so high up that we can see everything else around us and the lights on all the rides make it look so pretty. "I'm going to win you something before we leave," I promise her and she laughs before cuddling closer to me.

"I might win something for you first." She teases and I smile. The ride ends and we slowly get lowered down until our feet touch the grass again. "It's your turn to pick." 

"I'm just going to go to the next one over," I smirk and lead her over to the Zero Gravity ride. "You better not throw up on me." 

"I wouldn't dare." She shoves me as we get in line. Once the current riders get off we get to go on. We stand next to each other and we both put the little rope in front of us. The ride slowly starts to spin and I turn my head so I can look at her as I get forced into the wall. Her mouth is open as she shouts something but I can't hear her. I reach over to take her hand and she turns to look at me. Her hair is pushed against the wall behind her and there is a childlike gleam in her eyes that makes me smile. 

The ride slowly lowers down and we head over to the next one which is called The Scrambler. "I was always the biggest out of my friends so I always had to be the one on the outside who was being impaled," I say as we get into the line. 

"Well sucks to be you, you're bigger than I am." She smirks and I laugh.

"All those years of training taught me some pretty good tricks." I wink and her eyes narrow as we step in. We find one of the carts and of course, I get in second so I'm on the outside. It starts off fine with the ride barely spinning but once it picks up speed Scarlett is being thrown into me and she's trying her hardest to make it as bad as she can for me. I slyly lift up my arm so my elbow is pointed at her and she slams into it on her next attack. 

"That's not fair!" She shouts and I just shrug as she tries to stop herself from hitting me. 

"Anything goes." I tease but I lower my arm so she can keep having fun. "I'm so going to have a bruise on my side," I complain as we step off. I lift my arm up to place it over her shoulders and she grins up at me. 

"I'm going to have a bruise of where you impaled me." She jabs my side and we both laugh as we head over to the hang gliders. As we lay down she takes my hand again but the second we take off she lets go so she can hold her arms out in front of us. "I'm flying!" 

I copy her and she smiles at me. I have a feeling we're having more fun than the kids on the ride. Which I don't see as a problem at all. Once we're off of that one we head over to a super tiny roller coaster that looks like a snake. We manage to squeeze into one seat together and I wrap an arm around her as we start to get jostled around. 

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