Seeing Red

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"That's more like it." Scarlett was smiling at me as she watched me drink a glass of milk. It was actually like the third odd drink she poured into that glass so it wasn't exactly tasting better then the bugs. It was pretty late and almost into the next day but we were safely back in her kitchen.

"I'm not sure your kisses are worth all of this." I pout and she slaps my arm.

"Then don't eat a fucking dick again." She takes the glass and hands me another glass with water in it.

"That won't be too hard." I mutter and she rolls her eyes.

"Smooth, Y/LN..." She rests her hand on my forearm as she watches me take a sip of water.

"I've never had someone study me drinking water before." I raise an eyebrow as she just smiles.

"Then they've missed out." She places her free hand on the side of my neck as I finish off the glass. The second I've had the last sip she grabs the glass from my hand, sliding it onto the counter.

"Violent much?" I ask and she nods.

"Sometimes." She shrugs as she places both of her hands on the sides of my neck. I feel that familiar butterfly feeling in my stomach and chest every time we are this close. No matter how many times this happens, I will never get used to it.

"Kiss me." I mutter and she leans up to press our lips together. My hands rest on her hips and I turn us around so she's pressed into the counter. She shifts so she's sitting on the cold marble and I'm standing in between her legs, our lips perfectly molding together. She pulls herself closer so our bodies are flush with her legs wrapped around my hips.

When we do finally part she rests her forehead against mine and intertwines our hands together. "We should probably get some sleep."

"Yeah." I agree but neither of us move, just enjoying each other's company. "What time is Rose getting back tomorrow?"

"Whenever. Why?" She pulls away slightly so we can look at each other.

"Because I want to take you on a real date, Scar." I take both of her hands in mine and she smiles.

"I'd be a fool to say no to that." She whispers and I grin at her.

"That's good. Because I wasn't going to take no for an answer." I place my hands back on her hips and lift her off of the counter. She wraps her arms around my neck and cuddles into my chest as I climb the stairs.

She silently directs me towards the master bedroom and I hesitate at the door. "I had the bed replaced. Everything is gone..." She explains and I nod, walking into the room. It does look startlingly different then before, which is a good thing I think. I walk to the side of the bed and gently lean down to press her back onto the bed.

When I move to stand up she's still clinging onto me and I chuckle. "Scar, you gotta let go."

"No." She bounces a bit so I fall down on top of her and we both end up laughing.

"You're such a child." I mutter as I roll off of her and onto the floor which just makes her laugh some more. "I'm looking through your drawers? Is that ok?" I ask as I walk over to her closet.

"I have nothing to hide." She says and I look over my shoulder.

"Uh huh. Sure." I smirk at her and she tosses a pillow at me that I quickly snatch from the air and toss it right back.

"I have a small child who opens everything with a handle. Those are somewhere else!" She throws the pillow again and this time it hits me in the chest.

"So you do have a hidden stash?" I wiggle my eyebrows at her and she flips over to hide her face in her pillow.

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