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So perhaps I was a bit confidant when I promised Scarlett I would be fine this morning. The constant ringing of my alarm clock was the only thing that made me roll out of bed, even then I laid on the floor for a bit. I couldn't remember the last time I was this bad after a night drinking. The only thing that got me off the floor was Chris pounding against my door being the kind man he is, waking me up at 6am. 

"Morning." He said with a smirk when I finally was in the kitchen to quickly make myself breakfast. 

"Don't talk to me." I say with a chuckle and he listens, remaining silent until I drank coffee and ate some food. 

When I was putting the dishes into the dishwater he took his chances, "Better hope they don't fire you." 

"Why would they fire me?" I look up at him. 

"Being hungover, a big no no." He wiggles his finger at me. 

"Whatever. It's not that bad. Plus they can't, they already bought me." I smirk at him.

"You're right. Just at least try and look presentable." He motions to me and I roll my eyes. I do listen though, because I went to take a shower and get dressed. I hugged Chris goodbye before getting the car, it was only then that I realized I was going to be late. 

It wasn't the worst thing but it was also pretty bad when I pulled in and saw no one around. That meant they were already all inside probably starting to work. I wasn't as late as I could of been only about half an hour which was still not the best. 

When I walked in the doors Robert was smirking at me as he leaned against the wall, "And the hero arrives. What held you up?" 

"Nothing. Lost track of time." I shrugged and gave him a fist bump when he held up his fist. 

"Sure, sure. You gotta get over to makeup. We're waiting on set for you." He waved at me as he headed down the hall. I ran the other direction to pull on the costume for the scene which was fairly simple, just some work out clothes. There also wasn't much for my makeup artists to do so I was out of there quickly. 

When I rounded the corner to the set I saw Jon, Robert, Gwyneth and Scarlett all talking. Kevin beams when he sees me, "Seems like we can get started!" 

"I'm so sorry." I say as I walk over. 

"It happens to all of us, plus we are a bit ahead of schedule so it's not too bad." He shrugs and walks me over to join everyone else. 

"Seems as if I was lied to." Scarlett says as I get close enough to hear her.

"In my defense-" I start. 

"Nope. You're hungover, I win." She winks at me and then walks off set, not being needed at the moment. 

"Places everyone!" Kevin shouts and I walk to the edge of the set with Gwyneth. There was a boxing ring towards our left and a large couch nearby. Jon and I had spent some time practicing for this scene so it should go fine. "Action!" 

Robert and Happy were both in the ring and Robert turns to us, "My two favorite women!" He jumps over the edge of the ring and walks over to us with his arms held wide, "I would hug you but I'm probably sweaty."

"You smell too." I winked at him as I walked over to a table to put my water bottle and purse down. Gwyneth and Robert started to mouth a conversation to each other as I turned to Jon. "How's the boxing?"

"Hopefully better with you here. Tony is cheating again." Jon leaned on the edge of the ring catching his breath.

"I don't cheat!" Robert called over his shoulder from where he was standing.

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