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My morning started about as wrong as it could. I almost broke my neck when I tripped over my own feet down the stairs. I somehow managed to burn the eggs I was making for breakfast. Then I proceeded to set the fire alarm off when the toaster didn't tell me the bread was done so instead they burnt to a crisp. Rose was pissed I woke her up early and so was Scarlett. Rose refused to go to school so Scarlett had to carry her into the car and they left without me because I had to deal with the mess I made. While cleaning up I managed to burn my hand, what is going on right now? 

When I finally got to set I was told I had to redo a whole bunch of my voice-over parts because they didn't sync up correctly. Robert was being normal but I was already near my breaking point that I almost yelled at him multiple times. Kevin talked to me a bit more about SNL and I couldn't sit down anymore so I pretty much just stood up and left when he mentioned Colin. He hadn't been able to change anything. I broke part of the set and everyone told me it was fine but that was the last straw. I took a break and decided to stay late on set because I had to catch up with a whole bunch of stuff. 

Ryan had called me and he said that everything was set so that was at least good. But then I remembered that I hadn't told Scarlett about being invited to his wedding and I wasn't sure how that was going to go over. I spoke to Blake for the first time as well and she sounded so sweet so I was excited to meet her in person. Scarlett and Chris tried to make things better but Scarlett kept having to go film and each time she had to leave I got more upset. I was just having problems today.

Since I stayed behind Scarlett had to pick up Rose today and it was probably for the better. With my luck, I would have crashed the car. Everything was just awful. I was looking forward to getting home and laying down but no. Here I was... standing in the front doorway covered with some kind of mixture of paint and water. I had opened the door and tossed my wallet onto the counter before I felt it. When I looked up the bucket fell onto my head and I didn't even have the energy to take it off. So I just stood there, not being able to see anything and feeling disgusting. If I'm being honest, I wanted to fall to my knees and cry. Today was awful and this wasn't even the worst part of it. 

I reached up and yanked the bucket off my head before letting it fall to the ground next to me. I forced a smile on my face when Rose came into view in front of me. "I'm not cleaning this up," I state. 

"Neither am I!" Rose shouts and runs out of the room. 

I move to chase her but Scarlett walks in front of me, "Nope. If I have to clean this up you're standing there." 

"How will I get to the shower?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. 

"If you want to move you're going to have to take your clothes off." She explains and I shrug before instantly pulling my shirt over my head. "Really?" 

"What? You told me to do it." I complain and she rolls her eyes.

"I didn't think you'd actually do it! Whatever. Go shower." She smacks my butt and I frown, feeling bad that she has to clean up the prank she set up. 

"I can help. Let me grab some towels." I decide but she stops me. 

"Rose was super excited about this but I know how awful today has been. Just go shower and lay down. I added water so it wouldn't be so hard to clean up." She explains and I study her for a bit. 

"I'm just going to wash my hair then I will be right back," I promise her, and I kick off my shoes before sprinting up the stairs. I kick off my jeans when I get into the bathroom and dive into the shower. I pick up the shampoo and freeze when I notice it was the hair dye one. If I had gotten myself with my own prank I would have never left the house again. I run my hands through my hair trying to get whatever the hell was in the bucket off of me. It wasn't just sticky it also smelled awful. Can paint go bad? 

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