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"Your dad?" Scar asks as she takes my hand in hers again. I fall silent as I watch the light steam come from our silent breathing.

"Yeah. Him." I whisper and I glance over at her profile.

"Did he reach out?" She asks and I look away when she shifts to turn onto her side.

"He texted me." I explain and I reach into my pocket to fish out my phone. For some reason it's a struggle, my hands aren't even that cold. I hand my phone to her and she slowly turns it toward her and then I'm surprised by a light laugh.

"Y/N?" She asks and I look over at her. Her gorgeous eyes meet mine and for a moment I forget about my dad. I know it's cliche but I am the luckiest person alive. I am able to be here next to the woman that I love who also happens to be the most stunning person I have ever met.

"Yeah?" I ask and she turns my phone to me.

"When did this happen?" She shows me my home screen which is the picture that we took on the roof of the fondue restaurant, the one with her kissing my cheek. The smile on my face is something I don't see too often, I look just purely happy. Almost as if there are no problems in the world and all I have to do is enjoy the moments I'm living. "Y/N?" Scarlett prompts me from my thoughts.

"The next day. I was a little... preoccupied that night." I say and we both end up laughing at the memory.

"Yeah, I remember." She smiles and I roll my eyes.

"Sorry, we're off topic." I say and she nudges my side.

"Don't apologize, talk when you're ready." She rolls closer to me and her head rests against my chest as she brings our hands to rest on my stomach.

"You were meant to read it yourself." I mumble against the top of her head and she laughs.

"Use your wonderful voice, I'd much rather listen." She decides and she starts to play with my fingers as I sigh.

"To sum it up... he claims that he's changed." I say and she hums lightly, letting me continue. "He wants to see me, well, us."

"Us?" She asks and I nod.

"I don't know if he knows for certain or if he's just assuming." I explain and she lets go of my hand, instead just resting hers on top of mine.

"He didn't seem to like me too much during our first meeting." She mumbles and I laugh with a slight role of my eyes.

"He has a tendency to say whatever comes to his head, most of the time those things are beyond rude." I explain and she nods.

"Most of the time I like it when people don't have a filter. Though I think he could do with at least a bit of one." She adds and I glance at her.

"He also said that he wants to meet Rose." Once those words leave my mouth I see Scarlett's jaw tighten a little.

"That will only happen after I meet him a few times." She says in a much different tone of voice, a much harsher one.

"I totally agree." I say and this time when I glance at her I can't help but smile at the snowflake that just landed on her nose.

"What?" She asks.

"Nothing." I smirk a little.

"Are you making fun of my protectiveness?" She raises an eyebrow and I quickly shake my head.

"No! Your protectiveness is hot!" I defend and she rolls her eyes. "You just look cute right now."

"Why?" She shifts a little and I reach over to cup her face.

Scarlett Johansson - Where Do We Go From Here?Where stories live. Discover now