Downey Dinner

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A/N We're just going to pretend I posted the Harkin updated "Healed" yesterday and I didn't miss a day :) Sorry for the last post but my family decided to appear on my doorstep yesterday and doing stuff with them always drains me. I hope you enjoy a Downey Dinner <3


Time seemed to pass a lot slower when I was alone. And I was alone for about a week. When we got back from Ryan's wedding we had about three days of filming before Scarlett left for France to pick up Rose. I couldn't go with her because of work but I really missed her. It was bad enough when Rose was gone but now both of them were gone. 

I was currently on set standing between Chris and Clark Gregg who I had met for the first time today. He plays Phil Coulson who is a character I love so much. But the day I meet him I also have to film his death scene which was very sad. At the moment we were inside of a ship and the three of us had just met. They were talking as I looked out the window in the front when I suddenly heard a bunch of laughing so I look over my shoulder to see them both almost kissing. I joined in on the laughter as they pulled apart. 

"He's just so kissable!" Clark shouts before he gets back into position. 

"That's one for the bloopers," I say and they both agree until we get back to getting these scenes done. 

"Y/N!" Robert starts shouting the second I walk off of the set. He comes over and hands me a bottle of water which makes me smile. "See how speedy that was? I was waiting but I still made sure it was cold." Ever since the club, he had been trying to "serve" Scarlett and me in any way possible. She told me that she had already forgiven him and that it was kind of funny in a way and that she knew he didn't mean any harm but it was fun to watch him scurry around. 

"You're getting better every day." I tease. 

"How're you doing without your wife around?" Robert asks and I shake my head as I laugh. 

"I've been lonely. But they should be getting back tomorrow night." I say and he nods. "Then next week we're looking at houses." 

"That's exciting." Chris chimes in as he walks over. 

"Yeah! Just kind of nervous." I admit and he turns his head to the side in confusion. 

"Why?" He asks. 

"I've never bought a house with someone before," I say with a shrug. 

"Really?" Robert looks confused too. 

"Yeah. The closest I got was you, Chris. But we just kind of stayed in your house." I point out and he nods. 

"Not even a roommate?" Robert prompts and I shake my head. 

"I had money at that point. I opted to live by myself when I had to." I say and they both nod their heads. 

"I always forget you got started young," Chris says and I laugh. 

"I didn't start acting young. I didn't even want to act." I share and they both stop walking at the same time. "What?" 

"You don't like acting?" Robert asks. 

"I never said that. Have I really never told you this?" I ask and they both nod again. "Well, it's true. I got offered a few jobs and I turned them down. The first experience I had was awful." 

"Wow." Chris breathes and I roll my eyes.

"Look where I am now," I say and he laughs. We talk for a bit longer but then Chris has to go and get to his next set as Robert and I linger behind. 

"Since you're all alone tonight would you like to come over for dinner?" He offers. 

"I'd love to, Robert. But... I have so much work..." I say and he shakes his head. 

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