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Scarlett POV

"Before we go inside I have to talk to you," I say once I park the car. I turn in my seat to face her and she stops trying to unbuckle herself. 

"I want to see Mama." She complains and I nod. 

"I know. Something happened to her." I reach back to grab Rose's knee and I squeeze it a little bit. "She was in a fight and has some bruises on her face." I don't know how to explain this to her. I see her try to process what I'm saying but I'm not sure what answer she comes up with. 

"Is she ok?" She finally asks. 

"She's fine. She's the same person but she just looks a little different right now." I say and she nods as she starts to get up. I  get out of the car and help her out as we head toward the door. "Do you remember Mama's friend from the airport?" 

"A little bit," Rose answers as I look over at the rather flashy sports car that is sitting in my driveway. 

"She's here right now. Her name is Alyssa." I explain and Rose nods as I open the door. "Can you go get started on your homework? I'm going to make sure Mama is awake before you go upstairs." 

"Ok." She smiles at me and runs over to the table to sit in her normal seat. 

As I climb the stairs I already know she's awake because I hear voices. "Let me do it," Y/N says and I hear a sigh. "Stop! You're making it worse." 

"I am in no way making anything worse. I think you look better since I arrived." Alyssa argues. "Now get your hand off of me." 

"It hurts! Seriously stop." Y/N complains again and I push open the door to see the door to the bathroom open. 

"You're such a child." Alyssa walks out a jumps a little when she sees me. "Oh! Hi." She waves and I hear something fall in the bathroom and she tenses a little when Y/N pokes her head around the corner. 

"You're home!" She grins and then ducks back into the bathroom.

"What is going on?" I ask. 

"Blame her," Y/N says. 

"I didn't do anything!" Alyssa complains. "I was trying to help her change the bandage on her head but she refuses to let me touch her." 

"Because you were going too fast!" Y/N argues and I start to laugh a little bit. 

"Do you want help?" I ask. 

"I'm fine." She says and I sigh. 

"Told you." Alyssa shrugs. 

"She can be stubborn," I say and we both laugh at that. 

"It's nice to see you again." She walks over and reaches out to shake my hand which I take. "It's also nice to see you again without the awkward tension." 

"Was it that obvious?" I ask. 

"One hundred percent." She says and I feel my face flush a little bit. "But it was cute." 

"Yeah, I'm adorable." Y/N comments from the bathroom and Alyssa laughs. 

"Maybe when you were a kid." She answers. 

"I would argue but I don't want another black eye." She comes out of the bathroom and walks over to hug me. I press my face against her chest and she kisses my head a few times. "How was work?" 

"The usual." I shrug and she smiles. "Your face looks better." I gently place a hand on her cheek and she nods. 

"I think the thing that hurts the most is my hand." She lifts it up and I grab it to gently kiss it a few times. 

Scarlett Johansson - Where Do We Go From Here?Where stories live. Discover now