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I was awoken by faint knocking on my door. I looked to the side and saw Scarlett wrapped tightly around me. Her head was on my chest and her arm wrapped around my waist. The knocking happened again so I slowly untangled myself from her and walked over to the door. Rose was standing there holding onto the blanket I had put over her. In her other hand was the small cat, Tilly. 

"Hey, Rose." I said as she yawned. She walked right past me and climbed into my bed and snuggled into Scarlett's side. I smiled at the two of them and looked at the alarm clock, we still had like 4 hours before we had to get up. 

Scarlett stretched and she opened her eyes. She looked over at Rose with a confused look before looking up at me. "What time is it?" 

"Go back to sleep. We have time." I said as I reached behind me to grab the door, planning on heading to their room. 

"Stay." She reached out her arms and I hesitated. She gave me a sad look and I sighed, heading back to bed on getting on her other side. She almost instantly wrapped herself around me and started to fall back asleep. I looked over at Rose and she was already fast asleep with the blanket pulled tightly around her. 

"Are you awake?" I whispered to Scar and she didn't answer. I moved my arm so it was around her and pulled her a little closer before letting myself fall asleep. 

This time I was awoken by my alarm going off, and I was also alone in bed. Rose and Scarlett both were not there and I took the moment to stretch out before heading into the bathroom to quickly get ready for the day.

When I got downstairs I saw our suitcases against the door and Scarlett in the kitchen making eggs and bacon. Rose was sitting on the couch eating a chocolate muffin and watching TV. 

"Hey." Scarlett looked up from the food and winked at me. 

"Hey..." I titled my head to the side and she smiled at me before looking back down at the food. I walked to her side and plated the eggs as she finished up the bacon. 

Once our food was plated so put it down on the table and I watched her pull the chairs closer together. "Rose! Come have breakfast." 

"Alright!" Rose called back and came running into the room and she jumped into the nearest chair. Scarlett sat in the middle and I sat in the last seat. We didn't talk much, not wanting to breach the subject of yesterday or last night. 

After a few minutes, Scarlett rested her hand on my knee and I looked over at her and she didn't look back at me. Every once and awhile she would lightly shift her hand higher up my leg but would eventually shift it back to it's original place on my knee. "Scar." I muttered and she looked up at me. 

"What?" She tilted her head and I looked down at her hand then back to her. "Oh." She removed her hand and I shifted in my seat, clearing my throat. 

"Are you guys ready to head out?" I ask, changing the subject. 

"I've got the bags back in place. Rose you should go use the bathroom." Scarlett said and Rose rolled her eyes, but she listened. 

I helped Scarlett put on her jacket before sliding on my own. When Rose got back to us I put on her jacket as well and led us outside. Scarlett froze when she saw an older man standing by a black limo in our driveway. 

"Alfred! I've missed you." I ran down the steps, taking two steps at a time. I pulled him into a hug and he wrapped his arms around me. 

"It's been too long. I've missed driving you everywhere." He smiled and I shook my head as I laughed. Alfred and I had met in London about 8 years ago when I was there for work. He drove me around in a taxi all day as we tried to find where I was meant to be going. I soon hired him as my personal driver but he had to return to London for family matters a few months back. When I heard he was back in town from Kate, I had to give him a call. 

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