Put On A Show

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Scarlett hadn't been in the mood to talk the entire way home. She was really cuddly though. When I told her she couldn't sit in my lap in the car she gave me the saddest look before getting off to buckle in. She even opted to be in the middle seat so she could sit as close to me as possible. 

When we got home she headed straight upstairs and it wasn't long before I heard water running, guess she wanted to take a shower. I went into the kitchen and cut up cheese into smaller slices to make a board. I also put a lot of other little things on it before bringing it upstairs. Then I ran back downstairs to get us both a glass of water. 

Once I was done with that I grabbed some fluffy pajamas from her drawer and tossed them into the dryer. I haven't done this in a while. While those were working I decided she might want hot chocolate. It didn't tie in with the cheese too well but whatever. I put the mini marshmallows in it as she loved it before settling down on the bed to set up my laptop with some movie ideas. Once that was all set and ready I waited until I heard the shower shut off before knocking on the door. 

"Babe?" I ask and I hear the shower door sliding open. 

"It's not locked." She answers and I frown when I hear how monotone her voice is. 

"I have something for you," I say as I push the door open a little bit. She has her towel draped over her back as she leans against the counter to stare at the mirror. "For whenever you want to change," I say and I place them on the counter next to her hand. Her eyes meet mine in the mirror and I see her lower lip slowly start to shake before she breaks eye contact and looks down into the sink. "It's ok," I whisper as I wrap my arms around her waist and I gently kiss the back of her neck. "Do you want help?" I offer and she gives me the smallest nod I've ever seen. 

I let go of her and gently take the towel off her before hanging it up to dry. I slowly help her get dressed into the pajamas before I wrap an arm around her and throw her over my shoulder. She gasps but I hear her laugh a little which makes me smile. I run into the bedroom and toss her onto the bed before I crawl over her. I kiss her cheek a few times and I tickle her ribs which makes her giggle. 

"Stop." She whines in the most adorable voice. 

"I love it when you smile," I say as I stop torturing her. Her face heats up a little and I smile even more at that. 

"How'd I get so lucky?" She whispers as she wraps her arms around my neck and brings me down to kiss her. 

I pull back just enough so I can look at her, "I should be the one asking that question." 

She smiles and pecks my lips one more time before I roll off of her and pick up my laptop. "I made us a cheese board in case you wanted to snack. There's also water and some hot chocolate. I also prepared the Advil for tomorrow morning in case we're drunker than we think." 

"You are honestly an angel." She decides and I grin at her. She sits herself up and picks up the cheese to rest on her legs. She then finds a movie that fancies her before she starts to eat. She cuddles up to my side and she insists on feeding me every once and a while as I balance the laptop. 

We get about halfway through the movie before I notice she's fallen asleep. I sigh in relief, I was worried she might not be able to with what Robert had given her. I didn't even know what it did. How does a drug make you horny? Or does it just help you out during the act? I have no clue. I gently push her head to rest on her pillow as I move the food and laptop off of the bed. I lay down and bring her against me. She groans softly at the movement but she doesn't wake up, instead, she snuggles in a little bit closer. Her breath tickles my ear but I don't mind. As long as she feels safe anything is worth it. 

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