Locked in a Room

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I shouldn't have been surprised when I woke up and Scarlett was gone. I had fallen asleep feeling really uneasy about lots of things. The three months of Rose saying something was in her room was wrong on so many levels. Now Scarlett had suddenly grown distant. I laid there for a bit with an arm wrapped around Rose. She was cuddled into my side as I thought of what I could have done. Was it really the fact I hadn't told her my mom was coming? I honestly didn't know she was planning to visit, she likes to show up sometimes when she's feeling lonely. It had to be something else, but what? 

There was movement in the bathroom and I turned to watch the door. She had only just gotten up, her side of the bed was still warm. Since Rose was in the middle I wasn't even able to wrap my arms around her. Though she had pretty obviously turned away from me last night to face the wall. I heard some shuffling and then a faint mutter of, "Fuck. Of course." 

I slowly untangled myself from Rose and walked to the door, lifting my hand to knock. "Scar?" 

"What?" Her voice was surprisingly angry as she answered. 

"Uh, you ok?" I ask and she doesn't answer. "Can I come in?" I try again. 

"Go away." She finally answers and I nod slowly, letting my hand slide down the door.  


"I said, go away." She repeats and I sigh. 

"Ok. I'm gonna make breakfast." I say as I walk backward. I make sure Rose is tucked in with the blankets surrounding her before I head downstairs. 

Turns out I didn't have to make breakfast because my mom was standing there in the kitchen making omelets. "I figured since I was crashing here I could make myself useful." She gestures at the food and I smile at her. 

"You don't have to cook, Mom. But thank you." I make myself a glass of water and press my forehead against the cool refrigerator. 

"What's wrong?" Her hand rests on my shoulder and I sigh. 

"Nothing you should worry about." I pull back and take a sip of water before helping her plate the food. 

"Come on. I'm your mother. I know when something is wrong." She tries again and I shut my eyes, taking a deep breath. 

"Scar is mad at me," I say and my mom's eyes widen. 

"What? You guys seemed so happy last night." She finishes plating the food and I shrug. 

"I thought so too. I must have done something because everything changed last night. Now she won't talk to me." I help to move the plates onto the table and my mom narrows her eyes at me. 

"You have no idea?" She asks. 

"No! I don't. I really wish I did. If you have any ideas please enlighten me." I ask and she shrugs. 

"I've only just met her, I have no clue." She starts to clean up the counter where she was cooking and I sigh. 

"I'll apologize in advance for anything that seems awkward," I say and she laughs. 

"You put up with me and your dad for ages. I can deal with you two hitting a little rough patch." She promises and I laugh at that.

As if on cue Scarlett walks into the room with a big smile on her face, "Good morning!" 

My mom and I glance at each other. "Good morning!" My mom answers as Scarlett walks over to give me a hug and she kisses my cheek. 

"Uh, morning." I offer and her eyes search mine for a few seconds. "Can I talk-" 

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